
Sales Representative

Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Unrepaired street lights irk Reps

Unrepaired street lights irk Reps
Daily News
BACKBENCHERS in the Zanzibar House of Representatives have raised concern over scaring darkness in many parts of Stone Town, asking the government to make sure that the streets have lights. Mr Jaku Hashim Ayoub of Muyuni Constituency led other ...

Daily News

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Habari Zinazoendana

11 years ago


Haphazard House Rent Hikes Irk Reps

Haphazard House Rent Hikes Irk Reps
Zanzibar — DESPITE the bad condition of its flats, the Zanzibar Government has increased rent, prompting an outcry from Members of the House of Representatives. Mr Jaku Hashim Ayoub (Muyuni-CCM) raised his voice demanding to know why rent has ...


11 years ago


Traffic lights preceded motorcars

Traffic lights were used before the advent of the motorcar. In 1868, British railroad signal engineer J P Knight invented the first traffic light, a lantern with red and green signals


10 years ago

Daily News

Airport entry fees irk backbenchers

Airport entry fees irk backbenchers
Daily News
SOME members of the Zanzibar House have expressed dissatisfaction over airport entry fees charged on them when they use vehicles with private registration number plates, saying it is disrespect to them. Giving their views on the proposed 2015/2016 ...


10 years ago

Daily News

Human rights abuses irk MPs

Human rights abuses irk MPs
Daily News
MEMBERS of Parliament (MPs) on Thursday took the government to task over gross violation of human rights by some of its organs entitled to ensure justice delivery in the country. MPs pointed accusing fingers at the Police Force for fabricating cases against ...
MPs demand respect for democracyIPPmedia

all 2


11 years ago

Daily News

Chalinze land conflicts irk Ridhiwani

Daily News
Chalinze land conflicts irk Ridhiwani
Daily News
THE Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM) candidate in Chalinze by-election, Mr Ridhiwani Kikwete, has advocated for education on land rights to avoid unnecessary land conflicts in the constituency. Addressing a campaign rally in Chalize on Thursday, ...


10 years ago

The Hindu

Shedding light on Christmas decoration lights

The Hindu
Shedding light on Christmas decoration lights
The Hindu
We are staying with cones this time around as well. But from inverted cones that are used to hold and eat ice creams, we are moving on to those that are used in the festive period of Christmas and New Year: the Christmas tree. An integral part of the festivities, ...
Christmas Lights Up Tasty Tech Eye Candy: PhotosDiscovery News

all 2


10 years ago


EDITORIAL: Why is Mwenge- Tegeta road having no lights?

>Accidents are getting too common on the newly built Mwenge-Tegeta road, leading to too much loss in human lives, broken limbs and damaged vehicles virtually every day.   Let us hasten to express our appreciation of government efforts to improve infrastructure in Dar es Salaam aimed at making motoring less tedious and reducing traffic jams.


10 years ago


Hoax Fire Emergency Calls Irk Minister

Hoax Fire Emergency Calls Irk Minister
Dodoma — THE public has been reminded to stop making hoax fire response calls because it will risky to reach them when emergency does occur. Deputy Minister for Home Affairs, Mr Perreira Ame Silima, told the National Assembly on Wednesday that ...


10 years ago

Daily News

Mushrooming kiosks irk Moshi environmental body

Mushrooming kiosks irk Moshi environmental body
Daily News
MOSHI Municipal Council (MMC) has been directed to pull down all kiosks built haphazardly in the municipal area's streets. The Chairman of MMC Committee on Environment and Town Planning, Mr Raymond Mboya, said the office of the MMC Director ...



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