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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


VIDEO: Lupita on a mission to save elephants

Kenya's Oscar-winning actress Lupita Nyong'o returns to her native country with a mission to save wild animals.


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Habari Zinazoendana

11 years ago


VIDEO: Bid to save Kenya's elephants

Mark Lowen visits Kenya's Tsavo national park to see the effects of poaching on the elephant population.


9 years ago

National Geographic

Will 2016 Be a Breakthrough in the Fight to Save Elephants?

Will 2016 Be a Breakthrough in the Fight to Save Elephants?
National Geographic
Signs of hope in East Africa include high-profile court cases, on-the-ground results, and a new president nicknamed the Bulldozer. Picture of seized elephant ivory being burned. A Kenya Wildlife Services officer stands near a burning pile of seized ...


10 years ago

Reuters UK

Tanzania urges China to curb ivory demand to save elephants

Yahoo! Maktoob News
Tanzania urges China to curb ivory demand to save elephants
Reuters UK
DAR ES SALAAM A Tanzanian government minister described elephant poaching on Thursday as a national disaster, and urged China to curb its appetite for ivory. The east African nation's elephant population shrank from around 110,000 in 2009 to a little ...
African Wildlife Foundation, WildAid Launch Anti-Poaching Campaign with ...Africa Science News Service
National parks wooing tourists to visit wildlife...


11 years ago


An animal trainer with a mission to save human lives

Pendo Msegu has a very unconventional job, she works as a rat trainer at the APOPO’s centre which is part of Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA) in Morogoro


10 years ago


Western Conservationists Are Ignoring Local Communities in Mission to Save ...

Western Conservationists Are Ignoring Local Communities in Mission to Save ...
After the Tuareg rebel uprising and coup, their northern migration paths were no longer on land controlled by the government. The instability meant the area was awash with guns. The rebels needed money, and had begun to turn to poaching for ivory, despite ...
Exposed: The brutal world of Tanzania's illegal ivory poaching industryITV News
Tanzania Marks World Wildlife

all 5


10 years ago


American and German Governments Partner with Tanzanian Government and Frankfurt Zoological Society to Save Elephants in the Selous

German Ambassador Egon Kochanke (second from left), Minister of Natural Resources & Tourism Lazaro Nyalandu (center), and U.S. Ambassador Mark Childress (right) talk with Tanzanian game scouts from the Selous Game Reserve at an equipment handover event in the Reserve on January 21, 2015.


10 years ago


VIDEO: With the elephants orphaned by poachers

One World Elephant day, the BBC is told how poaching could see the end of elephants in the wild by 2030.


11 years ago


VIDEO: Elephants orphaned by wildlife poaching

Mark Lowen visits an elephant orphanage in Kenya's Tsavo national park to see the effects of wildlife poaching.


10 years ago


VIDEO: Africa's elephants in net decline

A new study suggests the number of Africa's elephants has declined to a critical point.



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