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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Western Conservationists Are Ignoring Local Communities in Mission to Save ...

Western Conservationists Are Ignoring Local Communities in Mission to Save ...
After the Tuareg rebel uprising and coup, their northern migration paths were no longer on land controlled by the government. The instability meant the area was awash with guns. The rebels needed money, and had begun to turn to poaching for ivory, despite ...
Exposed: The brutal world of Tanzania's illegal ivory poaching industryITV News
Tanzania Marks World Wildlife

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Habari Zinazoendana

10 years ago


Wildlife conservation legislation unfriendly to local communities

Wildlife Conservation (WMA) regulations were made pursuant to sections 31 and 121 of the Wildlife Conservation Act, 2009 (Cap 283).


5 years ago

World Finance

Thai Life Insurance: serving local communities is key to business success

Thai Life Insurance: serving local communities is key to business success  World FinanceLife insurance: the dynamics of change  Money ManagementView Full coverage on Google News


11 years ago


WWF hands over Infrastructure to support Local Communities efforts in WMAs’ management

Mr. Lucason Maiga, representing the WWF TZ Country Director signing transfer documents of the cash for work infrastructure handover ceremony at Ipole WMA in April 2014. Mr. Lucason Maiga handing over the signed Ipole WMA infrastacture documents to JUHIWAI Chairperson, Mr. Reuben Kasanda, witnessed by the Sikonge DC, Mrs. Hanifa Selengu. Sikonge DC, Mrs. Hanifa Selengu tasting water pumped from water borehole at Ipole WMA, Tabora. The water pump installation was part of the...


10 years ago


VIDEO: Lupita on a mission to save elephants

Kenya's Oscar-winning actress Lupita Nyong'o returns to her native country with a mission to save wild animals.


11 years ago


An animal trainer with a mission to save human lives

Pendo Msegu has a very unconventional job, she works as a rat trainer at the APOPO’s centre which is part of Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA) in Morogoro


10 years ago

Ellwood City Ledger

Mission trip a 'humbling experience,' local pastor says

Mission trip a 'humbling experience,' local pastor says
Ellwood City Ledger
The Rev. Maurice Smith of North Sewickley Presbyterian Church is pictured with a girl who lives in an orphanage in Misungwi, Tanzania, during a recent mission trip there. Tanzania. Photo by Submitted photo ...


10 years ago


US Mission teams up with Center Stage, Alliance Française to empower local performing artists

Recently, a team of three visiting American art administrators from US State Department sponsored Centre Stage Cultural Exchange Program facilitated a workshop on marketing and branding for Tanzanian performing artists, producers and art administrators at the Alliance Francaise in Dar es Salaam.
The one day workshop was organized by US Mission Dar es Salaam in Collaboration with Alliance Française in response to felt and expressed need by local artists for enhanced capacity to...


10 years ago

Detroit Free Press

Conservationists warn: Elephants are vanishing

Fox News
Conservationists warn: Elephants are vanishing
Detroit Free Press
NAIROBI, Kenya — The sharp decline of the elephant population in Tanzania, most likely the result of poaching, is catastrophic, a wildlife conservation group said Tuesday. The Tanzanian government estimated Monday that 65,721 elephants have died in the ...
Activists: Decline of elephants in Tanzania is catastrophicThe San Luis Obispo Tribune
Tanzania Elephants Suffer 'Catastrophic' DeclineVoice of America

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11 years ago


Conservationists to Hong Kong: “Ivory is not art”

Conservationists to Hong Kong: “Ivory is not art”
Conservationists to Hong Kong: Elephant tusks are displayed after being confiscated by Customs in Hong Kong. (Credit: AP/Kin Cheung). This article originally appeared on Hyperallergic. Hyperallergic. China's destruction of some 6.1 tons of seized ivory ...
Tanzania Still Undecided Over Ivory

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