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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


WARAH: Xenophobia: We all have our ‘outsiders’

>Everyone has their outsiders; even outsiders have their outsiders.” I cannot remember when I first heard this provocative statement but I was reminded of it when I saw images of African migrants being burnt alive and butchered by South Africans.


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Habari Zinazoendana

9 years ago


Music: Wiz Khalifa — ‘Just Because’ + ‘Outsiders’

While touring through Europe with A$AP Rocky, Wiz Khalifa liberates two new tracks, “Just Because” and “Outsiders.” “2 jams I decided to drop cause I’m tired stoned and only ate a panini last night,” he tweeted. “Sorry I passed out on the weed but here they are.” On “Just Because,” Harry Fraud flips a sample […]


10 years ago


NDEMO: Outsiders may soon determine how Africa grows food

>Any right-thinking African should by now be firmly aware that we need radical transformation in virtually every aspect of our lives.


10 years ago


WARAH: They were prostitutes and porn stars, now they’re celebrities

>In 1810, Saartjie Baartman, a black woman from the Eastern Cape in South Africa, was smuggled into London where her naked body was put on display for four years.


10 years ago


WARAH: Who will free Kenyans from this slave mentality?

>The recent story in the news about a Chinese restaurant in Nairobi not allowing in African customers after 5pm has caused a sensation on social media and prompted many foreigners to ask how Kenyans can allow outsiders to discriminate against them on Kenyan soil.


10 years ago


WARAH: Somaliland: an oasis of tranquility in a chaotic neighbourhood

>When I tell people that I have just returned from an international book fair and literary festival in Hargeisa, their reaction is usually one of incredulity.Really? they ask. You were in Somalia for a book fair? How is that possible?


10 years ago


WARAH: Lessons for Kenya from Tanzania on how to fight corruption

>If the Tegeta escrow account corruption scandal that has rocked Tanzania had taken place in Kenya, you can be sure that no minister would have been fired or investigated and certainly, the Attorney General would not have resigned for failing to advise the government on the matter.


10 years ago


WARAH: High property prices in the world’s most unliveable city

>I recently read an article that explained how dirty money has been driving up property prices in London.


10 years ago


WARAH: Africa’s real enemies: Simple-minded, ignorant do-gooders

>Could someone please tell Bob Geldof that raising money for Africa is so 1980s?


10 years ago


African singers against xenophobia

African music giants Ladysmith Black Mambazo and Salif Keita release a song in response to xenophobic violence in South Africa.



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