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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


We must beware, debt crisis is a huge threat

At about this time last year, the national debt was Sh22.36 trillion. By October, it had surged to nearly Sh27 trillion--a rise of almost Sh5 trillion.


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Habari Zinazoendana

11 years ago


We must beware, debt crisis is a huge threat

At about this time last year, the national debt was Sh22.36 trillion. By October, it had surged to nearly Sh27 trillion--a rise of almost Sh5 trillion.


10 years ago


Medical supplies dry over huge debt

>Alarm was raised yesterday over a looming crisis in the health sector, for the supply of medicine to public hospitals could dry up due to mounting government debts.


10 years ago


Rodents huge threat to agriculture

Did you know that there is a certain female rat species that can reproduce 48 young rats in two months?


11 years ago


Co-op sells assets to raise cash to repay huge debts debt-payment cash

Overwhelmed by huge debts, the management of Moshi-based co-operative society has now started selling some of its assets to pay debts running into billions.


10 years ago


Africa 'soil crisis threat' to future

Neglecting the health of Africa's soil will lock the continent into a cycle of food insecurity for generations to come, a report warns.


11 years ago


CAR faces threat of food crisis

Aid groups warn the continued mass exodus of Muslims from the Central African Republic could lead to a market collapse, worsening the food crisis.


5 years ago

New Day Live

Credit Settlement Market with Eminent Key Players and Future Outlook to 2026 | Guardian Debt Relief (USA), Freedom Debt Relief (USA), Debt Negotiation Services (USA)

Credit Settlement Market with Eminent Key Players and Future Outlook to 2026 | Guardian Debt Relief (USA), Freedom Debt Relief (USA), Debt Negotiation Services (USA)  New Day Live


10 years ago


Beware the results craze!

In his 1976 book, The Diploma Disease: Education, Qualification and Development, Ronald Dore--quoting T.H. Huxley from a century earlier--reminds us: “Examination is a good servant but a bad master.”


11 years ago


Beware of high class women

I was chatting with an old friend I had not seen in a while. He asked when I was planning to get married, and I confessed that I am determined to put a ring on it this year.



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