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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


What do CCM tours mean in Tanzania’s political terrain?

>Some top officials of the ruling party, CCM,  have, in recent months, been touring different parts of the country to monitor and evaluate the implementation of the 2010 election manifesto.


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Habari Zinazoendana

10 years ago


What the Proposed Katiba means in Tanzania’s political terrain

It was made as a big celebration to match the occasion when Constituent Assembly (CA) chairman Samuel Sitta handed over the Proposed Constitution (PC) to President Jakaya Kikwete following the conclusion of the last but one stage in the constitutional making process which began in 2012.


10 years ago

Daily News

Yes, CCM needs a political firebrand

Yahoo! Maktoob News
Yes, CCM needs a political firebrand
Daily News
THE ruling Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM) announces today its sole presidential candidate ahead of the October 25 general elections. This is the moment Tanzanians, especially members of CCM, have been waiting for. It is a make or break moment.
Tension in Tanzania Ruling Party Emboldens OppositionVoice of America
Tanzania's ruling party picks three candidates for presidencyShanghai Daily (subscription)
Tanzania's ruling party split over...


11 years ago

Sabahi Online

New political party formed in Tanzania

New political party formed in Tanzania
Sabahi Online
A new political party, the Alliance for Change and Transformation (ACT), was launched in Dar es Salaam on Monday (March 3rd), Tanzania's The Citizen reported. Related Articles. Tanzanian President Kikwete reshuffles party secretariat · 67.7 billion shillings ...


11 years ago


Political opportunism hurts Tanzania

Only a year before Tanzania holds its fifth multiparty General Election, we witness a string of exoduses, whereby members are shifting camps among the various political parties. 


9 years ago


Warning in Tanzania over political militia groups

Warning in Tanzania over political militia groups
Arusha - Electoral authorities in Tanzania on Saturday called on police to investigate fears that some political parties were preparing to train militia groups ahead of next month's national elections. The concern has emerged as campaigning heats up ...
Grand 'karibu' for Magufuli in home townDaily News | The National Newspaper (press release) (blog)

all 9


9 years ago

World Politics Review

Tanzania Has Institutions, but No Political Will, to Fight Corruption

Tanzania Has Institutions, but No Political Will, to Fight Corruption
World Politics Review
Earlier this month, Tanzanian President John Magufuli fired the head of the ports authority along with several high-ranking officials in the Transport Ministry for their alleged corruption. In an email interview, Semkae Kilonzo, the coordinator at ...


9 years ago


Tanzania's Elections Should Not Be a Political Hurdle to Development

Tanzania's Elections Should Not Be a Political Hurdle to Development
Serious policy must win out over parochial politics if Tanzania's long-term future is to be secured. Voters will go to the polls on 25 October in elections that will be more competitive than any other in Tanzania's history. After over half a century of ...
Better terms lined up for all investorsDaily News | The National Newspaper (press release) (blog)

all 3


11 years ago


With this political trend, what lies in store for Tanzania?

With this political trend, what lies in store for Tanzania?
The examination of the evil social, economical and political phenomena called colonialism was achieved in the year 1961 granting us independence which is said to be of the flag type as some analysts continue seeing exploitation taking place in a new mode ...


10 years ago


Tanzania outshines EAC partners on political risk

Tanzania has the lowest level of political risk in East Africa, a new study shows even as recent happenings may dent the country’s image to investors.



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