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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Why people always choose protests despite brutality

As Malaysian Prime Minister from 1981-2003, Dr Mahathir Mohammed was not exactly known for supporting human rights. He concentrated power in his office, weakened the judiciary, used ethnic divide and rule tactics and deployed the notorious Internal Security Act to detain critics without trial and intimidate dissenters.


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Habari Zinazoendana

10 years ago

Daily News

Public asked to condemn brutality against people living with albinism

Public asked to condemn brutality against people living with albinism
Daily News
TANZANIANS have been urged to condemn and expose people involved in acts of brutality against people living with albinism. Under the Same Sun Operations (UTSS), Operations Manager, Mr Gamariel Mboya said this in Dar es Salaam on Friday. UTSS ...


10 years ago

Daily Mail

Tanzania police arrest several people in opposition protests

Tanzania police arrest several people in opposition protests
Daily Mail
DAR ES SALAAM, Sept 27 (Reuters) - Protests broke out in at least two Tanzanian towns, after opposition leaders called for nationwide demonstrations to oppose an assembly writing the country's constitution, leading to the arrest of several protesters, police ...


10 years ago

Dewji Blog

EY Tanzania team donated US$ 3,500 to fight brutality against people with albinism in Tanzania


On 2nd March 2015 staff and Partners of EY Tanzania hosted Ms. Maria Stanford a representative from the society of people with albinism in Tanzania at EY offices in Oysterbay.

 The representative, herself a victim of brutality against people with albinism lost both of her arms to wicked people who broke into her house located near Lake Victoria in North-western Tanzania and managed to overcome her as she slept, cut-off and vanished with both her hands.

Although she later identified the...


10 years ago


EY Tanzania team donated US$ 3,500 and TZS 712,000 to fight brutality against people with albinism in Tanzania

On 2nd March 2015 staff and Partners of EY Tanzania hosted Ms. Maria Stanford a representative from the society of people with albinism in Tanzania at EY offices in Oysterbay.
 The representative, herself a victim of brutality against people with albinism lost both of her arms to wicked people who broke into her house located near Lake Victoria in North-western Tanzania and managed to overcome her as she slept, cut-off and vanished with both her hands. 
Although she later identified the...


10 years ago


Police brutality condemned

It was an ugly scene that reminded Tanzanians of past horrifying confrontations between the Police and supporters of opposition political parties.


10 years ago


Who will save us from police brutality

May be you’ve seen it on the United States government website ( -- it notes the most widespread and systemic human rights violations in Tanzania. They include use of excessive force by police officers, prison guards, and sometimes by military personnel.  In the past such violations even caused deaths and injuries.


10 years ago


Police faulted over brutality

>Opposition leaders yesterday demanded disciplinary and legal measures be taken against police and government officials over Thursday’s brutality against journalists at the ministry of Home Affairs headquarters.


10 years ago


The buses you choose because of their music

The buses you choose because of their dance music


10 years ago


Choose your garage according to the fault

My car recently returned from a rough and heavily laden safari in apparently good working order.



Magazeti ya Leo

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