
Sales Representative

Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Why Tanzania defeated Amin

The main purpose of this meeting between Amin and his soldiers was to get the commanders acquainted with the territory and to get to know the way forward.


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Habari Zinazoendana

10 years ago

Daily News

Prominent aspirants defeated in Singida

Prominent aspirants defeated in Singida
Daily News
PRELIMINARY results show that some prominent Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM) aspirants in Singida Region have lost to unpopular candidates seeking parliamentary seats. Acting CCM Regional Secretary Mary Maziku told reporters here that the results ...


10 years ago


Boko Haram 'defeated in a month'

Nigerian President Goodluck Jonathan tells the BBC that all territory seized by the Islamist military group Boko Haram will be recaptured within a month.


10 years ago

Daily News

Defeated candidates petition preferential polls

Defeated candidates petition preferential polls
Daily News
TABORA Regional Commissioner Mr Ludovick Mwananzila, who was seeking a parliamentary seat in Kalambo constituency, has refused to concede defeat following results of the preferential polls claiming that the elections were marred by irregularities.


10 years ago


Defeated Chadema cadre seeks to block polls

“Before they removed my name from the list, they never gave me any official document showing how we are going to conduct the nomination, instead I used to get information from WhatsApp groups,” Mr Eliud Esseko, aspirant


10 years ago

Daily News

Defeated candidates complain over graft in opinion polls

Defeated candidates complain over graft in opinion polls
Daily News
SOME CCM women contestants for Special Seats in Rukwa Region have charged that opinion polls were marred by acts of corruption. Last week, the Rukwa Region Chama Cha Mapinduzi women wing held preferential polls for parliamentary aspirants for ...


9 years ago


Defeated Chadema candidates to challenge poll results in court

Defeated Chadema candidates to challenge poll results in court
Chama cha Demokrasia na Maendeleo parliamentary contenders in Lake Zone who lost in the General Election are now preparing to challenge the election results in the High Court. These are Vicent Nyerere (Musoma-Urban), Steven Owawa (Rorya), James ...


10 years ago


CCM presidential aspirant defeated in parliamentary nomination race.

CCM presidential aspirant defeated in parliamentary nomination race.
Outgoing Special Seats MP from Kilimanjaro Region Betty Machangu has lost her battle to retain the post to a new comer identified as Shally Raymond. Ms Machangu collected 409 votes as opposed to 504 votes collected by her rival. Announcing the results ...


9 years ago


Museveni declared NRM flag bearer, son-in-law defeated

National Resistance Movement (NRM) Electoral Commission chairman Mr Tanga Odoi, has confirmed President Yoweri Museveni as a sole candidate for the party ahead of the 2016 presidential elections.


11 years ago

Tanzania Daima

Amin auaga ukapera

NYOTA wa muziki wa kizazi kipya nchini, Amin Mwinyimkuu ‘Amini’, ameukacha ukapera kwa kufunga ndoa na msanii Farida Bashir ‘Namcy Vana’ aliyeimba wimbo ‘Kantangaze’. Ndoa hiyo ilifungwa Juni 22 nyumbani...



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