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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Yes, give women wider space

That behind every successful man there is a woman is a wise saying, but it also bears overtones of an inferiority complex, as women are reduced to a supportive role.


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Habari Zinazoendana

10 years ago


Women Win More Space in Draft Constitution

Women Win More Space in Draft Constitution
WOMEN members of the Constituent Assembly (CA) could leave Dodoma next week a joyful lot because the Draft Constitution contains most of their demands. The women succeeded to get their demands into the draft because they often held meetings, ...


10 years ago


Give women education, economic empowerment

Today, the world enters the second week of the programme entitled “16 Days of Activism Against Gender Violence”. In the past week, numerous issues have emerged. Women have spoken more openly on their plight while charting the way forward.


10 years ago


Mbowe to women: Joining politics will give you a platform

>The chairman of the leading opposition party Chadema, Mr Freeman Mbowe, has advised women in the country to join competitive politics if they want their voices to be counted in decision-making.


11 years ago


Don’t give women favour, do simply empower them

From time immemorial, most communities have treated women as second class citizens for no other reason other than the fact they were born female. It is a shame we still have such hang-ups in today’s world.


10 years ago


LAKE ZONE: Half of women give birth at home

>Half of pregnant women in Shinyanga Region give birth at homes under the assistance of traditional midwives, The Citizen has reliably been informed.


10 years ago


Women Like Ambassador Amina Salum Ali Deserve Space in Our Media

Women Like Ambassador Amina Salum Ali Deserve Space in Our Media
Ms Amina Salum Ali is the current African U n i o n Ambassador to the United States. As the African Union's first female ambassador, this Zanzibar-born lady is committed to promoting women's rights and children's issues. She is the founder of the Zanzibar ...


5 years ago

Mashable India

SpaceX Will Take More Rich Space Tourists To The International Space Station

SpaceX Will Take More Rich Space Tourists To The International Space Station  Mashable IndiaSatellite sends anime characters into space in celebration of Tokyo 2020  Insidethegames.bizLettuce grown in space as nutritious as ones on Earth: NASA  THE WEEKView Full coverage on Google News


5 years ago


Space companies are racing to beam web access to the entire planet. But 'space junk' is a big worry

Space companies are racing to beam web access to the entire planet. But 'space junk' is a big worry  CNBC



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