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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Mbowe to women: Joining politics will give you a platform

>The chairman of the leading opposition party Chadema, Mr Freeman Mbowe, has advised women in the country to join competitive politics if they want their voices to be counted in decision-making.


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Habari Zinazoendana

10 years ago


Kinana hopes ‘open courts’ will be helpful to give people a platform

In a span of 14 years about 20,000 cashew trees on Mabawa ward in Mkuranga District, Coast Region have dried leaving the farmers devastated.


10 years ago


Tabora Wanufaika na Mafunzo ya ULINGO — Tanzania Women Crossparty Platform (TWCP)

ULINGO WA WANAWAKE WANASIASA – Tanzania Women Crossparty Platform (TWCP) ni shirika lisilo la kiserikali lililoendesha mafunzo ya kuwajengea uwezo watia nia wanawake, vijana, na watu wenye ulemavu katika nyadhifa mbalimbali za uongozi wa nchi ikiwa ni kuchangia kutoa elimu inayolenga kuleta usawa kama haki msingi ya Mtanzania. Mafunzo hayo yamedhaminiwa na UNWomen.Mafunzo hayo yamewanufaisha walengwa husika kwa kujipatia elimu hiyo huku wawezeshaji wakiwa ni Hilda Stuart Dadu na Emmiliana...


9 years ago


Participation of women in electoral politics wanting

Participation of women in electoral politics wanting
Women are a central force in the wake of people's participation in the existence of the society today however women are still sheltered out of political parties and depressed of effective political representation. The marginalisation of women in ...


10 years ago

Daily News

Encourage women participate in politics, scribes urged

Encourage women participate in politics, scribes urged
Daily News
ACTIVISTS in Zanzibar have urged the media to encourage women participate in politics and get ready to be voted into government during the next general election. Activists from Ulingo Platform, Jumuia ya Wanawake Wenye Ulemavu Zanzibar (JUWAUZA) ...


11 years ago

Irish Times (Blog)

Lack of women in politics highlighted in official report

Irish Times (blog)
Lack of women in politics highlighted in official report
Irish Times (blog)
TDs and Senators with Taoiseach Enda Kenny on the plinth at Leinster House to celebrate International Women's Day 2012. A new report says there are far too few women in politics. Photograph: Alan Betson/The Irish Times. Mary Minihan. Topics: News ...
50:50 gender representation ratio sought in House, leadership, workIPPmedia
Women in leadership positions on fast increase, says SimbaDaily News

all 4...


10 years ago


Women with visual impairment for more active role in politics

Women with visual impairment for more active role in politics
Women with visual impairment want active involvement in politics arguing that they, as are able bodied persons, are capable of running for public office. A representative of women with visual impairment, Graceelly Macha made the call here over the weekend ...


10 years ago


Yes, give women wider space

That behind every successful man there is a woman is a wise saying, but it also bears overtones of an inferiority complex, as women are reduced to a supportive role.


10 years ago


Give women education, economic empowerment

Today, the world enters the second week of the programme entitled “16 Days of Activism Against Gender Violence”. In the past week, numerous issues have emerged. Women have spoken more openly on their plight while charting the way forward.



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