
Sales Representative

Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


0ver 30,000 teaching jobs to be dished out, govt announces

>The government yesterday announced it would hire 31,056 primary and secondary school teachers next month to end the anxiety that has gripped thousands of graduates who have waited for nearly two years for employment.


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Habari Zinazoendana

11 years ago


Minister says govt will create over 700,000 jobs in 2014/15

Up to 700,000 job opportunities are set to be created in 2014/15 fiscal year, minister for Labour and Employment Gaudensia Kabaka told Parliament yesterday.


9 years ago

Dewji Blog

The Aga Khan University announces it will build a new teaching Hospital in Kampala

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University Hospital will Provide World-Class Care and Medical Education for Ugandans

The Aga Khan University, a not-for-profit, private international university, announced today it will build a teaching hospital in Kampala to provide Ugandans with health care and higher education of world-class quality.

The Aga Khan University Hospital (AKUH) in Kampala will train specialist doctors, nurses and other health professionals capable of leading the improvement of health care within the country....


10 years ago


Govt moves to improve Math teaching

>A novel plan to improve the quality of teaching Mathematics, English and Kiswahili in primary and secondary schools has been unveiled by the ministry of Education and Vocational Training.


11 years ago


36,000 jobs for teachers

 At least 36,186 jobs will be up for grabs by teachers who have graduated from various higher learning institutions.


10 years ago


70,000 jobs for youth in three years

>At least 70,000 self-employment chances were created for marginalised youth in the past three years in the country through a programme under the International Labour Organisation (ILO) dubbed ‘kazi nje nje.’


10 years ago


Lonmin shares fall on 6,000 jobs cuts

Lonmin announces 6,000 jobs cuts in South Africa as it scales back its mining operations due to the falling price of platinum.


11 years ago


Oil sector to create about 100,000 jobs

>Between 100,000 and 150,000 jobs are projected to be generated as the oil sector transitions from exploration and appraisal to development and eventual production, according to a study conducted by three joint venture partners.


11 years ago


US economy adds 209,000 jobs in July

Job seekers attend a Job Expo job fair in Boston, Massachusetts The US added 209,000 jobs in July, adding to optimism that the country’s recovery continues apace. The unemployment rate ticked up slightly to 6.2%, latest data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics has shown. The biggest job gains were in professional business services and manufacturing jobs. On Wednesday, the Commerce Department said the US economy grew by a better-than-expected 4% during the April-to-June period. In an...


10 years ago


Govt revokes 200 Immigration jobs

>The government has revoked the hiring of 200 newly employed Immigration Department officers.



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