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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


2015 IDEX Global Fellows Program│New Zealand Commonwealth Scholarships and Many More here


University of Sheffield Faculty PhD Scholarships

The University of Sheffield invests a significant amount of funding each year in order to support the very best postgraduate research students. For entry in 2015-16, each Faculty is offering a number of scholarship awards on a competitive basis… More

The Queen’s Commonwealth Essay Competition 2015

Are you a writer interested in the world around you and do you want your voice to be heard by others? If Yes, then you are welcome to enter into...

Dewji Blog

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Habari Zinazoendana

10 years ago

Zitto Kabwe, MB

Galvanizing the Commonwealth in meeting Global Economic Challenges

Presentation by Zitto Kabwe, MP United Republic of Tanzania at 60th Commonwealth Parliamentary Conference Yaoundé, Cameroon, 2th – 10th October, 2014

“Parliaments shall exercise oversight on policies for tackling illicit capital flight, address inequalities within and between our countries, cut poverty and spur sustainable global economic recovery“.

CEO The world has experienced tremendous growth over the past two decades fuelled by fast growth in the developing world especially emerging...


10 years ago

Dewji Blog

Umeå University Scholarships for International Students │IOE Centenary Masters Scholarships and Many More


Global Health Corps Fellowship

Global Health Corps provides a yearlong paid fellowship for young professionals from diverse backgrounds to work on the frontlines of the fight for global health equity at existing health organizations and government agencies… More

TWAS Research Grants Programme in Basic Sciences (Consortia)

Qualified researchers in one or more of the 81 S&T-lagging countries identified by TWAS are invited to form a research consortium with one or two collaborating groups to...


10 years ago

Dewji Blog

Pinda aongoza harambee ya Mkapa Fellows


Waziri Mkuu, Mizengo Pinda akizungumza katika harambee ya kuchangia Mradi wa Mkapa Fellows kwenye hoteli ya JB Belmont jijini Mwanza August 23, 2014. Zaidi ya sh. Bilioni 1.3 zilichangwa. (Picha na Ofisi ya Waziri Mkuu).


Waziri Mkuu, Mizengo Pinda akipokea mchango wa shilingi milioni 15 kutoka kwa Mfanyabiashara wa Mwanza na Dar es salaam Jumanne Kishimba katika harambee ya kuchangia  Mradi wa Mkapa Fellows iliyofanyiak kwenye hoteli ya JB Belmont jijini Mwanza August 23,2014. Zaidi ya...


11 years ago


OBBO: Africa’s weakness is also its strength, clever fellows claim

During coffee breaks, when the microphones weren’t near, a few chaps whispered to me that it cannot be an accident that the most important economies on the West African coast (Nigeria) and on the eastern side (Kenya) are hobbled by terrorism.


10 years ago


CUF women wing urges fellows to register for polls

CUF women wing urges fellows to register for polls
The Civic United Front Women Wing Vice Chairman, Severina Mwijage said women participation in the voters' registration book is important if they are to participate in the October general elections. Severina was speaking in Dar es Salaam recently during the ...


10 years ago



Waziri Mkuu, Mizengo Pinda akizungumza katika harambee ya kuchangia Mradi wa Mkapa Fellows kwenye hoteli ya JB Belmont jijini Mwanza August 23, 2014. Zaidi ya sh. Bilioni 1.3 zilichangwa. Waziri Mkuu, Mizengo Pinda akipokea mchango wa shilingi milioni 15 kutoka kwa Mfanyabiashara wa Mwanza na Dar es salaam Jumanne Kishimba katika harambee ya kuchangia Mradi wa Mkapa Fellows iliyofanyiak kwenye hoteli ya JB Belmont jijini Mwanza August 23,2014. Zaidi ya Shilingi Bilioni 1.3 zilichangwa. Rais...



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