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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


80pc hope to enjoy gas revenue: study

Most Tanzanians are optimistic about the future of oil and gas but some are worried that the government and the rich will benefit the most, a survey shows.


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Habari Zinazoendana

11 years ago


How to enjoy gas economy

Tanzania’s private sector can participate and benefit from the upcoming gas economy by supplying quality goods and services to various multinational companies in exploration blocks, the World Bank has advised.


10 years ago


Study: Why EAC states won’t enjoy fall in oil prices

>East African countries are unlikely to significantly benefit from falling global oil prices due to inadequate storage facilities, according to the study by Deloitte East Africa.


11 years ago


Put local content unit to enjoy gas benefits, says expert

Tanzania should set up a unit for examining local companies and linking them with multinational corporations, an expert says.


9 years ago


All gas revenue will go to education

All gas revenue will go to education - Lowassa
Chama Cha Demokrasia na Maendeleo (Chadema) presidential candidate Edward Lowassa has promised to direct revenue collected from natural gas extractions to the education sector. Lowassa, who is backed by four political parties forming the Coalition ...


11 years ago


Proper use of gas revenue can improve economy, says expert

Tanzania’s natural gas discoveries are not an automatic end to the country’s economic woes, an economist has warned.


11 years ago


Converting gas revenue into pro-poor development in Tanzania

In the week of February 17, 2014, Oxfam America and Brookings Institution, a think tank, organised a high level international conference on Oil and Gas Boom in East Africa: Promise and Peril in Washington DC in the US. Various discussions were held with perspectives from across the world being live-broadcast.


11 years ago


Oil, gas sector not standards-compliant: study

Studies conducted on nine oil and gas exploration companies operating in Tanzania show that there is a general lack of compliance to international standards on preparation of corporate social responsibility (CSR) policies. Best practices show that communities must be involved, a consultant has said.


11 years ago


Lake Gas ltd launches an Innovative Product ,Tanzania gets its First Composite Gas Cylinders

LAKE GAS LTD - One of Tanzania’s fastest growing Marketing company, engaged in the importation and distribution of Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG), launched an innovative product – “COMPOSITE CYLINDERS” - the first of its kind in Tanzania.
In Tanzania, the usage of Metal cylinders has been the most prevalent up to now; henceforth a discerning consumer shall have a choice as to what type of cylinder best suits their family.
“This composite cylinder have very unique features, they are non...


11 years ago


Lender’s pretax profit up 80pc

>Exim Bank Group’s second-quarter pretax profit rose by 80 per cent to Sh9.6 billion.



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