How to enjoy gas economy
Tanzania’s private sector can participate and benefit from the upcoming gas economy by supplying quality goods and services to various multinational companies in exploration blocks, the World Bank has advised.
Habari Zinazoendana
11 years ago
TheCitizen04 Jun
80pc hope to enjoy gas revenue: study
Most Tanzanians are optimistic about the future of oil and gas but some are worried that the government and the rich will benefit the most, a survey shows.
11 years ago
TheCitizen12 Jun
Put local content unit to enjoy gas benefits, says expert
Tanzania should set up a unit for examining local companies and linking them with multinational corporations, an expert says.
10 years ago
TheCitizen23 Nov
TZ set to become gas economy
Recent discoveries of natural gas off the coast of Tanzania have led to a projection that Tanzania could become a major producer of natural gas in a decade. This fact now sees various local, national and multinational companies committing billions of dollars foe exploration in this lucrative resource.
10 years ago
TheCitizen03 Oct
Planners trained on gas economy
>Former Chief Secretary, Dr Matern Lumbanga, has asked planners to put measures in place that will help Tanzanians to harness the benefits of natural gas.
10 years ago
TheCitizen26 Sep
Trade authority to prepare locals for gas economy
 In anticipation of an imminent discovery of commercially viable natural gas, Tanzania Trade Development Authority (Tantrade) is organizing a seminar that will enable locals to exploit opportunities availed by the sector.
11 years ago
TheCitizen12 Mar
Proper use of gas revenue can improve economy, says expert
Tanzania’s natural gas discoveries are not an automatic end to the country’s economic woes, an economist has warned.
11 years ago
TheCitizen22 Jan
Debt burden can persist with gas economy, experts warn
There is no guarantee that the gas economy would lessen Tanzania’s debt burden because it is not the only solution to the country’s economic woes, according to experts.
11 years ago
TheCitizen13 Jun
ECONOMY: Tanzania economy still fastest in region- report
>Tanzania maintained its place as one of 20 fastest growing economies in the world with its average growth rate of 6.9 per cent between 2005 and last calendar year, it has been reported.
11 years ago
Lake Gas ltd launches an Innovative Product ,Tanzania gets its First Composite Gas Cylinders
LAKE GAS LTD - One of Tanzania’s fastest growing Marketing company, engaged in the importation and distribution of Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG), launched an innovative product – “COMPOSITE CYLINDERS” - the first of its kind in Tanzania.
In Tanzania, the usage of Metal cylinders has been the most prevalent up to now; henceforth a discerning consumer shall have a choice as to what type of cylinder best suits their family.
“This composite cylinder have very unique features, they are non...
In Tanzania, the usage of Metal cylinders has been the most prevalent up to now; henceforth a discerning consumer shall have a choice as to what type of cylinder best suits their family.
“This composite cylinder have very unique features, they are non...
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15-February-2025 in Tanzania