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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Ahmed Tejan Kabbah: He had positive, negative side

All over the world, Ahmed Tejan Kabbah has been described as a war-time president. Indeed, Kabbah took power during the peak of a brutal civil/rebel war in Sierra Leone. In fact, Kabbah’s own very presidency was violently interrupted for a period of nearly one year by a brutally bloody coup led by AFRC.


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Habari Zinazoendana

10 years ago

Dewji Blog

The Positive Side of Bad Habits

We all have at least one or two bad habits, but did you know that these habits aren’t necessarily bad, and in fact can improve your life?

Nail Biting – although it’s considered a bad habit by society, humans have been biting their nails since the dawn of time. Nail biting prevents your nails from getting too long and breaking or cutting you and it exposes you to tiny amounts of bacteria from residue under your nails. Research shows that exposure to small amounts of bacteria on a regular...


11 years ago


The positive side of our controversial constitution writing process

The positive side of our controversial constitution writing process
The die is cast. Constitutional Assembly MPs questioning the manner by which the constitution writing process has been proceeding have finally maintained their stand not to go back to house they left in protest a few months back in Dodoma. These are none ...


10 years ago


True story of Ahmed Albaity..Lets all help ahmed with whatever we can

True story of Ahmed Albaity..Lets all help ahmed with whatever we can...Lets all open our heart and help each other...lets all remind ourself that anything at anytym can happen to us. We dont know who will come and help us..Lets make dua for Ahmed and pray to ALLAH (swt) for Ahmed to get better soon Inshallah


5 years ago


Three human-like species lived side-by-side in ancient Africa

Two million years ago, Africa was home to three human-like species, new discoveries reveal.


11 years ago


Rais Ahmad Tejan atakumbukwa kwa mengi

Rais wa zamani wa Sierra Leone, Alhaji Ahmad Tejan Kabbah, amefariki dunia akiwa na umri wa miaka 82 huku dunia ikimtaja kama mtu aliyepigania haki na usawa kwa watu wa taifa lake.


11 years ago


Aliyekuwa rais S.Leone, Kabbah afariki

Rais wa zamani wa Sierra Leone Al Hajj Ahmad Tejan Kabbah amefariki dunia. Bwana Kabbah amefariki nyumbani kwake akiwa na miaka 82


11 years ago


VIDEO: Sierra Leoneans mourn leader Kabbah

Sierra Leoneans are mourning the death of former president Ahmad Tejan Kabbah who passed away on Thursday.


11 years ago


Negative thoughts slow people down

Today, we are officially past the first half of January and this time is very critical. The late Jim Rohn, a goal management guru, advised that what you do with your first two weeks of your annual goals sets the pace for the rest of the year.


5 years ago

Daily Monitor

Three Covid-19 patients test negative after treatment

Three Covid-19 patients test negative after treatment  Daily Monitor



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