The Positive Side of Bad Habits
We all have at least one or two bad habits, but did you know that these habits aren’t necessarily bad, and in fact can improve your life?
Nail Biting – although it’s considered a bad habit by society, humans have been biting their nails since the dawn of time. Nail biting prevents your nails from getting too long and breaking or cutting you and it exposes you to tiny amounts of bacteria from residue under your nails. Research shows that exposure to small amounts of bacteria on a regular...
Dewji Blog
Habari Zinazoendana
9 years ago
Dewji Blog12 Nov
5 Common Bad Eating Habits
Bad eating habits are common .It is easy to operate on automatic when it comes to food. Living in a fast –paced society often makes it so you have to eat on the run, skip meals, eat whatever is fast and easy or use food to relieve stress. hellofood has listed down 5 most common bad eating habits most of us are guilty of.
1.Eating on the run.
If you live a busy life style, there may not be enough time to prepare meals or sit down to eat. Eating in the car or going through a fast food...
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The good, the bad and ugly side of technology
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The positive side of our controversial constitution writing process
The die is cast. Constitutional Assembly MPs questioning the manner by which the constitution writing process has been proceeding have finally maintained their stand not to go back to house they left in protest a few months back in Dodoma. These are none ...
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Ahmed Tejan Kabbah: He had positive, negative side
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Three human-like species lived side-by-side in ancient Africa
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Habits on Horseback
A South Texas rodeo queen became a hardworking nun, educating children from California to Tanzania. 0. Posted February 4, 2015 by Karen Gavis in News · Habits on Horseback. A swanky Western jacket hung nearby as Sister Camella Menotti, 84, ...
11 years ago
TheCitizen01 Jun
Follow these habits to be healthy