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5 Common Bad Eating Habits

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Bad eating habits are common .It is easy to operate on automatic when it comes to food. Living in a fast –paced society often makes it so you have to eat on the run, skip meals, eat whatever is fast and easy or use food to relieve stress. hellofood has listed down 5 most common bad eating habits most of us are guilty of.  


1.Eating on the run.

If you live a busy life style, there may not be enough time to prepare meals or sit down to eat. Eating in the car or going through a fast food...

Dewji Blog

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Habari Zinazoendana

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Quick Facts about Men and Women their Eating Habits!


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Benefits of Eating Raw Onions

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Well, it is surprising to know that these vegetables that we use to add flavour and aroma to the dish have many health benefits. If eaten raw, onion and garlic can be really good for the body. Raw onions have sulphur compounds and essential vitamins that can be best consumed raw. If cooked, the essential nutrients and vitamins get lost. So, if you love onion salad, here are few good reasons to have it regularly.

Health benefits of eating raw onions:

Cures constipation:

The fibre in raw...


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Follow these habits to be healthy

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