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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Arusha High Court Division to open branch in Karatu

A Criminal Session Centre for the High Court will be set up in Karatu to serve Mbulu, Ngorongoro and Karatu districts, it was announced here on Monday.


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Habari Zinazoendana

9 years ago


Cricket boys aim high at Division 5 League

The national cricket team captain, Hamis Abdallah, is optimistic that Tanzania will make its presence felt at the forthcoming World League Division 5.


11 years ago


ACB to open new branch in Mwanza

 In a bid to reach more Tanzanians, Akiba Commercial Bank (ACB) plans to open a branch in Mwanza Region this year.


10 years ago


Nakumatt set to open fourth branch

>Regional retailer, Nakumatt Holdings, is opening its 50th branch tomorrow as the Kenyan giant strategizes to get an increased share of the East African market.


10 years ago


EACJ First Instance Division to resume court sessions this week

East African Court of Justice Arusha, 2 February 2015: The East African Court of Justice First Instance Division will resume its sessions this week. The Lower Court sets off immediately after the Appellate Division concluded theirs last week. The First Instance Division headed by the Honorable Principal Judge, Justice Jean Bosco Butasi will sit for the whole month of February and thirteen (13) matters will be handled in this quarter. The 13 matters include four (4) Applications and four (4)...


9 years ago


High Court and Media Council launch training for court staff and journalists

High Court and Media Council launch training for court staff and journalists
The High Court of Tanzania in collaboration with the Media Council of Tanzania (MCT) has organised a two-day training for journalists who cover court cases. The training will be officially opened by Chief Justice Mohamed Othman Chande, tomorrow in Dar ...


11 years ago


New NMB branch opens near Arusha

The National Microfinance Bank (NMB) has opened a new branch in Usa River, near Arusha, as it seeks to bring its financial services closer to the people.


10 years ago


Institute of Accountancy Arusha Opens Branch in Mwanza

Institute of Accountancy Arusha Opens Branch in Mwanza
The Principal of the Institute, Professor Johanes Monyo said the opening of the wing in Mwanza Region is the implementation of IAA's strategic plan to establish two wings by 2017. He said that so far they have surpassed their target since they have already ...


9 years ago


Baiskeli Arusha watamba Karatu

MKOA wa Arusha jana ulitamba katika tamasha la 14 la michezo na utamaduni la Karatu baada ya kushika nafasi 14 za kwanza katika mchezo wa mbio za baiskeli za kilometa 60 kwa wanaume.


10 years ago

Daily News

Lema to defend Arusha city seat as Qambalo okayed for Karatu

Lema to defend Arusha city seat as Qambalo okayed for Karatu
Daily News
CHAMA cha Demokrasia na Maendeleo (Chadema) party members in Arusha city have once more endorsed Mr Godbless Lema to vie for the Arusha Urban constituency seat in the October 2015 general elections. The party's preferential election in Arusha ...



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