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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


CCM let you down, vote Opposition, Duni tells Lindi

The running mate for Chadema presidential candidate, Mr Juma Duni Haji, yesterday asked Lindi residents to vote for the opposition coalition because it was the only solution to poverty and other hardships that were ravaging their lives.


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Habari Zinazoendana

11 years ago


Don’t fear the opposition, JK tells CCM

>CCM national chairman President Jakaya Kikwete has asked members of his ruling party to stand firm and defend it whenever it is threatened.


9 years ago


Vote wisely, Sumaye tells Hanang residents

Former Prime Minister Frederick Sumaye yesterday asked voters to differentiate between opposition coalition, Ukawa, and other political parties to avoid making wrong choices in the forthcoming General Election.


9 years ago


Guinea opposition demands vote re-run

Guinea's opposition calls for a re-run of Sunday's presidential election even before the votes are counted, alleging widespread fraud.


9 years ago


Ivory Coast 'not ready' for vote, opposition says

Five of Ivory Coast's 10 presidential candidates on Wednesday said the country is "not ready" to hold a "credible and transparent" vote on October 25, threatening to pull out of the race.


9 years ago

Voice Of America

Tanzania Opposition Rejects Presidential Vote Results

Voice of America
Tanzania Opposition Rejects Presidential Vote Results
Voice of America
Last updated on: October 28, 2015 4:10 PM. Main opposition candidate Edward Lowassa has rejected the results of Tanzania's presidential election, citing alleged fraud. Lowassa told reporters Wednesday in Dar es Salaam that results from the opposition ...
Tanzania counts votes as Zanzibar announces re-runNew Vision
EAC observer mission commends general election 'competitiveness'Daily News | The National...


9 years ago

Voice Of America

Tanzania Opposition Counts on Enthusiastic Supporters Ahead of Vote

Voice of America
Tanzania Opposition Counts on Enthusiastic Supporters Ahead of Vote
Voice of America
A prominent member of Tanzania's main opposition Chadema party says the intense enthusiasm exhibited by supporters is a significant boost to the opposition's effort to defeat the ruling Chama Cha Mapinduzi party in the upcoming October 25 general ...
Chance for Historic Change in

all 3


10 years ago


Tanzania Presidential Opposition Candidate Pledges Peaceful Vote

The Guardian Nigeria
Tanzania Presidential Opposition Candidate Pledges Peaceful Vote
Tanzania's main opposition party endorsed former Prime Minister Edward Lowassa as its candidate for presidential elections set for Oct. 25. Chama Cha Demokrasia Na Maendeleo delegates voted unanimously for Lowassa, 61, at a national conference ...
Tanzanian opposition pick ex-prime minister for presidential raceThe Guardian Nigeria (satire) (press release) (blog)
Chadema National Chairman Freeman...


9 years ago

Reuters Africa

Ruling party wins Tanzania presidency, opposition challenges vote

Washington Post
Ruling party wins Tanzania presidency, opposition challenges vote
Reuters Africa
DAR ES SALAAM (Reuters) - Tanzania's ruling party candidate, John Magufuli, was declared winner on Thursday of a presidential election, after the national electoral body dismissed opposition complaints about the process and a demand for a recount.
Magufuli is fifth presidentDaily News | The National Newspaper (press release) (blog)
Ruling-Party Candidate Wins Tanzania Presidential VoteVoice of...


9 years ago

The Daily Star

Tanzania opposition calls for vote recount, Zanzibar poll nullified

The Daily Star
Tanzania opposition calls for vote recount, Zanzibar poll nullified
The Daily Star
Armed Tanzanian police stand guard outside a vote counting center at Maji Matitu Primary School in Mbagala, in the Temeke district of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania Wednesday, Oct. 28, 2015. (AP Photo/Khalfan Said). RSS; Follow; Email; Print; Share. Reuters.



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