
Sales Representative

Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Vote wisely, Sumaye tells Hanang residents

Former Prime Minister Frederick Sumaye yesterday asked voters to differentiate between opposition coalition, Ukawa, and other political parties to avoid making wrong choices in the forthcoming General Election.


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Habari Zinazoendana

10 years ago

Tanzania Daima

Uteuzi wa Sumaye Hanang gumzo

SHEREHE za kumsimika Waziri Mkuu, mstaafu Fredrick Sumaye, aliyechaguliwa kuwa Kamanda wa Vijana wa Chama Cha Mapinduzi (UVCCM), Wilaya ya Hanang, zimeota mbawa. Sherehe hizo zilizopangwa kufanyika Oktoba 18, zimeahirishwa...


10 years ago


Msalato residents vow not to vote

Some residents who vacated their farms in 2011 to pave the way for the construction of an international airport at Msalato in Dodoma municipality have vowed not to take part in the forthcoming General Election following failure by the government to compensate them.


9 years ago


It's not your job to monitor voting process: DC tells residents

Kinondoni District Commissioner Paul Makonda warns Kinondoni residents in Dar es Salaam today not to risk their lives by causing chaos at voting polls on October 25.


11 years ago


Listen to Ukawa, Lipumba tells Iringa residents

Listen to Ukawa, Lipumba tells Iringa residents
The vice-chairman of the Coalition of Defenders of the People's Constitution, known as Ukawa by its Kiswahili acronym, Prof Ibrahim Lipumba yesterday called on Tanzanians to be extra careful during the constitution making process. Lipumba who is also ...


11 years ago

Daily News

Rukwa RC tells residents to stop blaming govt

Rukwa RC tells residents to stop blaming govt
Daily News
RUKWA Regional Commissioner (RC), Eng Stella Manyanya rebuked residents of Rukwa Region especially those in rural areas, who refuse to contribute towards development projects. “It is unacceptable as you 'wananchi' have a responsibility to support ...


9 years ago


CCM let you down, vote Opposition, Duni tells Lindi

The running mate for Chadema presidential candidate, Mr Juma Duni Haji, yesterday asked Lindi residents to vote for the opposition coalition because it was the only solution to poverty and other hardships that were ravaging their lives.


9 years ago


Vote for Lema, Lowassa urges Arusha residents

Former premiers Edward Lowassa and Frederick Sumaye urged Arusha residents to vote for Godbless Lema to become their MP because he was best placed in fighting graft alongside President John Magufuli.


9 years ago


Tanzania: Vote for Lema, Lowassa Urges Arusha Residents

Tanzania: Vote for Lema, Lowassa Urges Arusha Residents
Arusha — Former premiers Edward Lowassa and Frederick Sumaye urged Arusha residents to vote for Godbless Lema to become their MP because he was best placed in fighting graft alongside President John Magufuli. Speaking at a campaign rally for Mr ...


10 years ago

Dewji Blog

2015 MISA’s ‘Women to Watch’: Nominate Hoyce Temu, Vote Tanzania… Vote now


Former Miss Tanzania 1999, Hoyce Temu on field during the recording of her  TV talk show.

She also has her own talk show, Mimi na Tanzania (Me and Tanzania), which focuses on CSRs, fundraising, and supporting women and children through the promotion of human rights, gender equality, and access to healthcare and education.

Please nominate her on this category: “Journalists, reporters, presenters who stand out in their field”

International Women’s Day just around the corner, MISA’s is looking...



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