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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Children deserve full educational potential

Children deserve full educational potential
Daily News
IT was reported in the Press at the weekend that 52 parents in Kisarawe District, Coas Region, have been blamed by the authorities for failing to enable their children join secondary schools after passing primary school leaving exams. This is, indeed, a ...

Daily News

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Habari Zinazoendana

10 years ago


Try these tips to unlock your full potential

One of the key elements for your success is to unlock your potential be it a talent. This can be a skill, knowledge, experience, or any other strength that can help you turn the unknown into the known in changing your career, business, or your entire life. You may be destined to be a great CEO, a great news presenter, a footballer, an engineer, an accountant, a software engineer, an entrepreneur, a movie director, you name it, but how to achieve that? Do you know that you have the potential...


9 years ago


CORPORATE SUFI :Create joy at work to live full potential

Our work is an integral part of who we are, and if we are not able to feel joyous when we are at work we are probably falling short of living our true potential. Not only is joy our very state of being, it is also a touchstone of all that is going well in our lives. So let’s explore some methods that can help put the zing back into work.


11 years ago


Educational NGO focuses on literacy

While many are still celebrating great improvement marked in the general performance of candidates in the 2014 edition of National Form Six Examination, Tanzania still has a long way to go when it comes to providing quality education for all children.


11 years ago

Daily News

Major educational reforms in pipeline

Daily News
Major educational reforms in pipeline
Daily News
THE government has promised to make critical changes in the education sector in the course of the next financial year. On Monday evening while winding up the budget estimates for the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training, Minister Shukuru ...


10 years ago


What it means by educational research capacity in Tanzania

What it means by educational research capacity in Tanzania
Educational research is important because it uncovers information that can be used by a range of people from national policy maker to classroom teachers to increase equity in the educational system. Educational Research is the professional art of applying ...


10 years ago

Daily News

BRELA embarks on educational campaign in Ruvuma

BRELA embarks on educational campaign in Ruvuma
Daily News
THE Business Registrations and Licensing Agency (BRELA) has staged a public education campaign in Ruvuma Region, informing the people on various aspects of conducting business. The programme that took off on Monday at Songea Municipality would ...


10 years ago

Daily News

IT security package launched for educational institutes

IT security package launched for educational institutes
Daily News
Universities and other institutes of higher learning have been urged to make use of discount policies offered to promote cyber security. This remark was made by Tanzania's Channel Manager for Cyberoam, Ms Winnie Mafuru, noted that as a user, budget ...


10 years ago


Educational institutions should train students on fire outbreaks

Educational institutions should train students on fire outbreaks
Of late there have been several incidences of fire outbreaks in this country's educational institutions. Several of these have involved dormitories of secondary schools. The latest was that which took place at the Mabibo hostel of the University of Dar es Salaam ...
Mabibo Hostel fire another lesson on preparednessDaily News
Mabibo Hostel block caught
Tanzania hostel is on fire as 400 university...


10 years ago

Penn: Office Of University Communications

Penn Abroad in Tanzania Is Educational, Enlightening and Thrilling

Penn Abroad in Tanzania Is Educational, Enlightening and Thrilling
Penn: Office of University Communications
Waking up and seeing a two-ton elephant at your door sounds like it could be a scene from a movie, but that's exactly what University of Pennsylvania student Hannah Watene experienced while studying abroad in Tanzania. Watene, a junior in the College, ...



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