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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Educational institutions should train students on fire outbreaks

Educational institutions should train students on fire outbreaks
Of late there have been several incidences of fire outbreaks in this country's educational institutions. Several of these have involved dormitories of secondary schools. The latest was that which took place at the Mabibo hostel of the University of Dar es Salaam ...
Mabibo Hostel fire another lesson on preparednessDaily News
Mabibo Hostel block caught
Tanzania hostel is on fire as 400 university...


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Habari Zinazoendana

11 years ago


Initiatives to streamline fees rates should cover all national educational institutions

Initiatives to streamline fees rates should cover all national educational institutions
Indeed in this information era, good management of governments, institutions and projects requires those in- charge to work scientifically and transparently. Under such circumstances research becomes vital, as it helps administrators to make informed ...


11 years ago

Hunting Skills

Train students on job

Train students on job-hunting skills
It is no secret that there is a widespread perception, right or wrong, that some Tanzanian graduates are being deliberately passed in favour of foreigners when it comes to job placements. Part of the answer to the perception may lie in what the Government ...


9 years ago

Cornell Chronicle

Students train to collect, evaluate data in Tanzania

Cornell Chronicle
Students train to collect, evaluate data in Tanzania
Cornell Chronicle
Workshop participants work with community leaders and village elders in Mweka, Tanzania, to map the boundaries between subdistricts. Jeremy Swanson/Honeyguide Foundation. Associate professor of city and regional planning Stephan Schmidt works with ...


10 years ago


Fire leaves 400 students homeless

>About 400 students of the University of Dar es Salaam who reside at Mabibo hostel have no place to stay after a fire destroyed a section of the hostel yesterday.


9 years ago


Nigeria students die in dormitory fire

At least seven female students have died after a fire at a girls boarding school near the northern Nigerian city of Kano on Sunday night, officials say.


5 years ago

VOA News

Can AI Flag Disease Outbreaks Faster Than Humans? Not Quite

Can AI Flag Disease Outbreaks Faster Than Humans? Not Quite  VOA NewsView Full coverage on Google News


9 years ago


African scientists develop methods to avert outbreaks

Researchers on infectious diseases in Africa are now devising methods that could help overcome disease outbreaks.


10 years ago


Give me friendly fire any time? But not military fire, please!

No doubt acting out of curiosity, a reader emailed to ask me what the heading to this column, ‘Friendly Fire From Yesteryears,’ is intended to portray. How can fire be friendly, the fellow asked - perhaps bearing in mind such episodes as the Great Fire of London in 1666!


5 years ago

VOA News

Rural-to-Urban Transition May Explain Viral Outbreaks: Vietnam Study

Rural-to-Urban Transition May Explain Viral Outbreaks: Vietnam Study  VOA News



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