
Sales Representative

Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Initiatives to streamline fees rates should cover all national educational institutions

Initiatives to streamline fees rates should cover all national educational institutions
Indeed in this information era, good management of governments, institutions and projects requires those in- charge to work scientifically and transparently. Under such circumstances research becomes vital, as it helps administrators to make informed ...


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Habari Zinazoendana

10 years ago


Educational institutions should train students on fire outbreaks

Educational institutions should train students on fire outbreaks
Of late there have been several incidences of fire outbreaks in this country's educational institutions. Several of these have involved dormitories of secondary schools. The latest was that which took place at the Mabibo hostel of the University of Dar es Salaam ...
Mabibo Hostel fire another lesson on preparednessDaily News
Mabibo Hostel block caught
Tanzania hostel is on fire as 400 university...


11 years ago


Fees or no fees, parents to send children to school or face arrest

Fees or no fees, parents to send children to school or face arrest
Whether they have the school fees or not, parents in Singida region have been ordered to send their graduate pupils to secondary schools or they will be arrested. To implement the command, District Commissioners across Singida region have been ...


11 years ago


Govt to streamline hiring of foreigners

The government intends to come up with a law to check the number of foreign workers in Tanzania. President Jakaya Kikwete revealed this during Labour Day celebrations yesterday.


10 years ago


Katiba Must Streamline Gender Equality

Daily News
Katiba Must Streamline Gender Equality
MIXED reactions have greeted the proposed draft constitution tabled in the Constituent Assembly (CA) in Dodoma this week. Indeed, there have been varying opinions from members of the public and organisations, some hailing the document as a job well ...
Where goes the 300000/- in a dayDaily News

all 8


9 years ago


Govt vows to streamline PPP plan

The government has vowed to tackle all the challenges that hinder execution of projects under partnership deals between the public and private sectors.


9 years ago

Mail &Amp; Guardian Africa

Tanzania to offer slice of national airline to buyers, after national election

Mail & Guardian Africa
Tanzania to offer slice of national airline to buyers, after national election
Mail & Guardian Africa
State-owned Air Tanzania says does not have enough aircraft to compete in the business, with final plan to become clearer after next month's ballot. An Air Tanzania aircraft. The carrier will be seeking partners, it says. TANZANIA'S government is ...
Tanzania Plans to Sell Stake in National Airline After ElectionsBloomberg

all 3


11 years ago

Daily News

Major educational reforms in pipeline

Daily News
Major educational reforms in pipeline
Daily News
THE government has promised to make critical changes in the education sector in the course of the next financial year. On Monday evening while winding up the budget estimates for the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training, Minister Shukuru ...


11 years ago


Educational NGO focuses on literacy

While many are still celebrating great improvement marked in the general performance of candidates in the 2014 edition of National Form Six Examination, Tanzania still has a long way to go when it comes to providing quality education for all children.


10 years ago


What it means by educational research capacity in Tanzania

What it means by educational research capacity in Tanzania
Educational research is important because it uncovers information that can be used by a range of people from national policy maker to classroom teachers to increase equity in the educational system. Educational Research is the professional art of applying ...



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