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Do us proud at IAAF World Championship

The vibe may be somewhat muted because of our athletes’ poor performance at international level in recent years. It has been almost a decade since Tanzania last celebrated a World Championships medal (bronze) won by long distance athlete Christopher Isegwe in Helsinki, Finland, in 2005.


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Habari Zinazoendana

9 years ago


Kenya tops table after historic IAAF World Championships

It was a marvelous seven-star performance for Kenya as the country claimed its maiden overall title at the World Athletics Championships on Sunday in Beijing, China.


11 years ago


We should be proud of Union, says Chiligati

Tanzanians have been exhorted to be proud of the Union between Tanganyika and Zanzibar which is unique in Africa and worldwide.


11 years ago


Mwinyi: We’re proud of JWTZ

Despite the risks and challenges peacekeeping troops face, Tanzania has said it will not hesitate to send its army to missions when required by the United Nations (UN) and the African Union (AU) .


10 years ago


Do us proud Taifa Stars, we’re behind you

The national soccer team, Taifa Stars, made their maiden appearance in the Africa Cup of Nations (Afcon) finals in 1980. Thirty-five years and a generous dose of heartbreak later, they are still hoping to dine at the table in the esteemed company of Africa’s football aristocrats again.


11 years ago

Dewji Blog

Really good one….Are you proud of your Dad?


On the first day, as President Abraham Lincoln entered to give his inaugural address, Just in the middle, one man stood up.  He was a rich aristocrat.

He said, “Mr. Lincoln, you should not forget that your father used to make shoes for my family .”

And the whole Senate laughed; they thought they had made a fool of Abraham Lincoln.

But Lincoln and that type of people are made of a totally different mettle.

Lincoln looked at the man and said, ” Sir I know that my father used to make shoes in...


9 years ago


Sebastian Coe aula IAAF

Bodi ya Shirikisho la riadha duniani IAAF, imemchagua Sebastian Coe kuwa rais wake mpya.


9 years ago


TZ runners ready for IAAF meet

The national athletics team left for Beijing, China yesterday for the 5th IAAF World Championships opening on Saturday. The Championship is scheduled for August 22 to 30 in Beijing, and four Tanzanian long distance runners would jostle for laurels on behalf of the country at the event.


10 years ago


Je, IAAF imeshindwa mujukumu yake?

Shirikisho la riadha IAAF linakumbwa na madai ya kushindwa kukabiliana na visa vingi vya matumizi ya madawa ya kuongeza nguvu


9 years ago


Kenya ndio mabingwa wa IAAF

Kenya kwa mara ya kwanza kabisa imeibuka mshindi wa mashindano ya riadha ambayo yamekamilika mjini Beijing nchini China



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