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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


East Ukraine’s die-hard voters ready for tough obstacle course

With election officials forced into hiding by separatist militias, nobody knows where polling stations will be set up in rebel-held eastern Ukraine.


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Habari Zinazoendana

10 years ago


Why registration as voters is a do-or-die affair for many

Many have plans other than just using the cards to vote in the October 25 General Election


10 years ago


Hard bargaining on Ukraine leaves sour taste for some in EU

Seeing its gold-spangled blue flag flown on the barricades of Kiev thrilled the European Union, reviving its self-image as a beacon of democracy at a time of growing doubt and economic gloom.


10 years ago

NFL News And Rumors

Tanzania ready for East African single visa to participate

NFL News and Rumors
Tanzania ready for East African single visa to participate
NFL News and Rumors
Tanzania is ready to eventually join a single visa scheme – currently operational in the three East African countries of Kenya, Uganda and Rwanda – amid efforts to promote the sub-region as a tourism destination. "As a country, we are now doing our ...
Harmonising travel in East
Kenya To Introduce Machine Readable IDsCitizen News
Kenya, TZ to enforce tour operators' dealCapital...


11 years ago


Over 100 bodies found near downed Malaysian plane in East Ukraine - UPDATED

The Ukraine’s Emergency Ministry says bodies are being found up to 15 km from the scene of the crash, reports Reuters. Over 100 bodies have been found so far, sources said.


10 years ago


'Lack of regulations obstacle to starting new businesses'

'Lack of regulations obstacle to starting new businesses'
The lack of regulations governing cross border trade were a stumbling block for Tanzanian traders to effectively venture into cross-border businesses, experts said yesterday in Dar es Salaam. Tanzania Gender Network Institute Director, Christine Warioba ...


11 years ago

Daily News

Corruption main obstacle to freedom of information law, says Zitto

Daily News
Corruption main obstacle to freedom of information law, says Zitto
Daily News
KIGOMA North Member of Parliament, Mr Zitto Kabwe, has said that corruption has been the main obstacle to getting a Freedom of Information Act in the country. Speaking in Dar es Salaam on Tuesday at a one-day meeting organized by Twaweza, ...


9 years ago


ICC big obstacle in Kenya’s path to true reconciliation

The mediation team that ended the 2007/8 post-election crisis was unambiguous in spelling out the aims of the numerous interventions that fell under the category of Agenda IV items at the end of the peace talks that saved Kenya from descending into civil war.


10 years ago


INSIGHT: Inadequate social security cover major obstacle: ILO

>It is a fact that, social security funds contribute to poverty reduction and sustainable development. Yet, a Social Protection Report 2014 indicates that although social protection is widely recognised, the majority of the world’s population does not access basic social security rights.


9 years ago


East Africa: Why All East Africans Are Looking Up to Magufuli

The Observer
East Africa: Why All East Africans Are Looking Up to Magufuli
In the club of East Africa's Presidents, Tanzania's new leader John Pombe Magufuli is a lonely man. His peers threw their weight behind his electoral opponent, and when he won, they refused to even acknowledge him with routine congratulations. In ...
What would Magufuli do to attain sustainable energy access in Africa?The Observer (blog)

all 5



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