
Sales Representative

Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


INSIGHT: Inadequate social security cover major obstacle: ILO

>It is a fact that, social security funds contribute to poverty reduction and sustainable development. Yet, a Social Protection Report 2014 indicates that although social protection is widely recognised, the majority of the world’s population does not access basic social security rights.


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Habari Zinazoendana

9 years ago


Social security cover to be extended to farmers: Zitto

The ACT-Wazalendo party has pledged to make social security mandaroty for all farmers so that they would enjoy the various benefits provided under the schemes including access to education support and health care.


11 years ago


Increase social spending for growth: ILO

International Labour Organisation (ILO) has underlined the need for sub-Saharan countries to increase their social spending in order to address unemployment.


11 years ago


ILO holds Actuarial modeling and social budgeting workshop in Arusha

   The ILO country director for Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda and Rwanda Mr. Alexio Musindo speaks during the opening session of the Actuarial modeling and social budgeting  workshop in Arusha.To his right is the Permanent secretary of MOLE  Mr. Eric Shitindi  to his left is the Assistant Labour Commissioner Mr. Daudi Kaali.
 The Permanent Secretary of MOLE Mr. Erick Shitindi (first left), the SSRA Director General Irene Isaka (center) and the country director of ILO Mr. Alexio Musindo (left)...


11 years ago


INSIGHT: Inequality, discrimination still ‘major hindrances to progress’

>Inequality and discrimination, particularly toward women, are among the world’s biggest obstacles to development, a UN report published on Wednesday says.


10 years ago


EDITORIAL: Social security: go farther

>The number of Tanzanians covered by social security schemes remains low more than 50 years after independence. Those employed in the formal sector are the most likely beneficiaries. The majority of people, who are casual workers or self-employed, make do without social security.


9 years ago


I will work for your social security:Mghwira

ACT-Wazalendo presidential hopeful Anna Mghwira  addressed the residents of Nachingwea stating that securing citizens' social security funds would be top on her priority list if she were voted into office.


10 years ago


Why social security schemes can’t invest outside Tanzania

What is the percentage of Tanzania’s population that has access to social security schemes in this period of post-liberalisation of the country’s social security system?


11 years ago


94pc have no social security protection, says government

About 42 million out of Tanzania’s 45 million people are excluded from the country’s social security cover, a senior government official has said.


9 years ago


EDITORIAL: Social security push apt

Socio-cultural set up is undergoing rapid change in Africa. One key institution affected by the change is the family.



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