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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Expert doubts Dar disaster readiness

 Modern bridges and rain water drainage system should be constructed to save Dar es Salaam from severe floods, an expert has suggested.


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Habari Zinazoendana

11 years ago

Daily News

Dar disaster management capacity 'satisfactory'

Dar disaster management capacity 'satisfactory'
Daily News
TANZANIA'S capacity to manage disasters has been expressed as satisfactory, with development partners urged to pour in more support in terms of modern equipment and training of experts. This was said over the weekend during the closing ceremony of a ...
Govt: We`ll address weakness in disaster preparednessIPPmedia

all 2


10 years ago


EDITORIAL: Lesson from dar tanker disaster: Life’s precious

>It is bad enough that people die. It is worse when some do so when that eventuality could have been avoided but isn’t due to recklessness and greed. Going by the saying that hope is the last thing that a person should lose, people close to a terminally ill  patient don’t despair.


5 years ago

Daily Post Nigeria

COVID-19: Take lessons from Ebola readiness – WHO tells Africa

COVID-19: Take lessons from Ebola readiness – WHO tells Africa  Daily Post Nigeria


11 years ago


EDITORIAL: Time we revived culture of readiness to volunteer

>The current generation of Tanzanians might not know that, when Tanzania was ranked Africa’s most literate nation, the achievement was essentially a product of volunteerism. Mwalimu Julius Nyerere had, in the early 1970s, called on every literate person to find time to impart literacy and numeracy skills to those within his reach


5 years ago

World Health Organization

Coronavirus disease (COVID-19): European Region focusing on readiness

Coronavirus disease (COVID-19): European Region focusing on readiness  World Health OrganizationWATCH LIVE: Latest updates on COVID-19 coronavirus from WHO  euronews (in English)Even With Massive Funding, Coronavirus Vaccine Isn't Coming Soon  Caixin GlobalSharp increase in coronavirus infections explained | DW News  DW NewsCOVID-19 is the official name for the disease caused by the corona virus.  KBC Channel 1View Full coverage on Google News


5 years ago


Coronavirus – Tanzania: Drawing on Ebola readiness to tackle COVID-19

Coronavirus – Tanzania: Drawing on Ebola readiness to tackle COVID-19  SocialNews.XYZUnderstanding the basics of 'herd immunity' and fighting the coronavirus  Health24'Building herd immunity may not work in tackling COVID-19 at the moment'  MoneycontrolView Full coverage on Google News


5 years ago


Coronavirus - Tanzania: Drawing on Ebola readiness to tackle COVID-19

Coronavirus - Tanzania: Drawing on Ebola readiness to tackle COVID-19


11 years ago


Uganda doubts over Kony 'letter'

Uganda's government says it doubts rebel leader Joseph Kony is serious about peace after he purportedly sent a letter asking for forgiveness and calling for talks.


10 years ago


Chadema doubts Kikwete on escrow

Chadema has expressed concern whether President Jakaya Kikwete will fully execute the Parliament’s resolutions on Tegeta escrow account culprits.



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