
Sales Representative

Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


EDITORIAL: Lesson from dar tanker disaster: Life’s precious

>It is bad enough that people die. It is worse when some do so when that eventuality could have been avoided but isn’t due to recklessness and greed. Going by the saying that hope is the last thing that a person should lose, people close to a terminally ill  patient don’t despair.


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Habari Zinazoendana

10 years ago


EDITORIAL: Self -reliance is possible,Lesson from Singapore

This week saw the world lose one of its greatest leaders--Singapore’s first Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew, who died on Monday aged 91. His mark in history will not be easily erased.


10 years ago


EDITORIAL: Rashid’s story offers lesson to all parents

>The revelation that Rashid Charles Mberesero, who was arrested last week over his alleged involvement in a terror attack in which 148 people were killed, most of them students at Kenya’s Garissa University College, absconded from school since January, raises concern on whether parents are as close enough to their children—especially those in boarding schools.


10 years ago


EDITORIAL: Revisit MV Victoria role following near disaster

>MV Victoria,  the biggest steamer that operates in the lake whose name it shares,  is no longer the once majestic maritime transporter.


10 years ago


EDITORIAL: Disaster management deserves top priority

>It will take a very long period for memories of the recent tragedy in Kahama District, Shinyanga Region, to fade, especially for survivors in the three affected villages.


9 years ago


EDITORIAL : MCT praise welcome ,for life goes beyond polls

There is a likelihood that commenting on a fresh Media Council of Tanzania (MCT) report that salutes mainstream Mwananchi Communications Limited (MCL) publications may seem self-congratulatory. That we are blowing our own trumpet!


11 years ago

Daily News

Dar disaster management capacity 'satisfactory'

Dar disaster management capacity 'satisfactory'
Daily News
TANZANIA'S capacity to manage disasters has been expressed as satisfactory, with development partners urged to pour in more support in terms of modern equipment and training of experts. This was said over the weekend during the closing ceremony of a ...
Govt: We`ll address weakness in disaster preparednessIPPmedia

all 2


11 years ago


Expert doubts Dar disaster readiness

 Modern bridges and rain water drainage system should be constructed to save Dar es Salaam from severe floods, an expert has suggested.


11 years ago


Water Day without enough of the precious liquid

Dar es Salaam. As Tanzania and the rest of the world marked yet another International Water Day yesterday, mother earth has nearly 800 million people who live without reliable access to the precious liquid that is fit for human consumption.


9 years ago


The Champions League: a prize only for the precious few

If it’s genuine suspense and drama you are looking for in the Champions League, it may be better to wait until the knockout stages in the spring.



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