
Sales Representative

Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Govt moves to end clashes

>The government yesterday directed authorities in Kiteto and Kongwa districts to find a lasting solution to deadly land conflicts in the areas.


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Habari Zinazoendana

11 years ago


Govt moves to end land rows

>The government has been engaged in a move to end a land conflict involving residents of Katapulo area and a Kalambo ranch investor in Rukwa Region.


11 years ago


End these land clashes

Tanzania has lately witnessed the mushrooming of vicious land conflicts, mostly pitting farmers against herders. Morogoro, the nation’s food basket, is the worst hit by these conflicts, which have hampered productive activities in Kilosa, Mvomero, Kilombero and Ulanga districts.


11 years ago

Independent European Daily Express

Tanzania Struggles to End Clashes Between Farmers and Herders

Inter Press Service
Tanzania Struggles to End Clashes Between Farmers and Herders
Independent European Daily Express
DAR ES SALAAM, Tanzania, Jan 16 (IPS) - Tanzanian authorities are finding it increasingly difficult to deal with ongoing conflicts between farmers and pastoralists as they fight over limited land and water resources in this East African nation.
Nation Struggles to End Clashes Between Farmers and

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11 years ago


Eala moves to end donor dependency

A report on alternative financing mechanism for the East African Community (EAC) will be tabled before the ministerial meeting in August, it was revealed here yesterday.


11 years ago


Govt moves on taxes welcome

Govt moves on taxes welcome
If what is being discussed in the National Assembly is consistently implemented, it could lead to a major revamp in the way we do business in our country and make planned targets more achievable. We are talking about the monitoring of projects to ensure ...


10 years ago


Govt moves to boost farming

The government has introduced a new organ - placed under the Ministry of Agriculture – as it seeks to raise productivity of the sector that employs over 70 per cent of Tanzanians in the working age.


11 years ago


Govt moves to curb carnage

The government has ordered for breathalysers and more speed guns for use by the traffic department to check rising cases of road accidents across the country.


10 years ago


Govt moves to curb attacks on albinos

>The government has banned witchcraft-related activities and launched a special operation to arrest those linked with the practice.  The move comes after a four-year-old girl was abducted in Mwanza and amid a rise in attacks on albinos.


11 years ago


Parliament moves to tame govt spending

>Parliament has put together a proposed law designed to ensure discipline in budget management. The draft bill seeks to consolidate Parliament’s oversight role in the management of the national budget.



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