
Sales Representative

Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


End these land clashes

Tanzania has lately witnessed the mushrooming of vicious land conflicts, mostly pitting farmers against herders. Morogoro, the nation’s food basket, is the worst hit by these conflicts, which have hampered productive activities in Kilosa, Mvomero, Kilombero and Ulanga districts.


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Habari Zinazoendana

10 years ago


Five seized over deadly land clashes

>Police in Kongwa District, Dodoma Region, are holding five people in connection with fresh clashes between farmers and pastoralists in the neighbouring Kiteto District in Manyara Region, which left four people dead on Wednesday.


10 years ago


Govt moves to end clashes

>The government yesterday directed authorities in Kiteto and Kongwa districts to find a lasting solution to deadly land conflicts in the areas.


10 years ago


Why land clashes continue unabated in Kiteto District

He was famous as Mzee Mhogo, and not surprisingly. Cassava is one of the crops under cultivation at his farm at Chekanao village in Kiteto, some 18 kilometres from the district headquarters.


11 years ago

Independent European Daily Express

Tanzania Struggles to End Clashes Between Farmers and Herders

Inter Press Service
Tanzania Struggles to End Clashes Between Farmers and Herders
Independent European Daily Express
DAR ES SALAAM, Tanzania, Jan 16 (IPS) - Tanzanian authorities are finding it increasingly difficult to deal with ongoing conflicts between farmers and pastoralists as they fight over limited land and water resources in this East African nation.
Nation Struggles to End Clashes Between Farmers and

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11 years ago


Here’s how to end land rows

Studies carried out by the Land Resources and Research Institute (HakiArdhi) and other organisations in recent years indicate that disputes had increased to alarming proportions.


10 years ago


Land Dispute In Dodoma To End
Land Dispute In Dodoma To End
CCM Secretary Mr Abulrahman Kinana made the call over the weekend when addressing a public rally in Dodoma Municipality. “There is an issue of land dispute between CDA and the 'wananchi' here… I am told the disputes have lasted for a long time,” he ...
Students urged to vie for leadershipDaily News

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11 years ago


'No light at the end of the tunnel in land cases'

'No light at the end of the tunnel in land cases'
Land Rights Research and Resources Institute (HakiArdhi) managing director Yefred Myenzi with copy of research report on land disputes in Tanzania when presenting it in Dar es Salaam yesterday. There seems to be no hope in solving the country's land ...


11 years ago


Govt moves to end land rows

>The government has been engaged in a move to end a land conflict involving residents of Katapulo area and a Kalambo ranch investor in Rukwa Region.


10 years ago


Land demarcation set to end conflicts

>A long term solution to land conflicts and consequent clashes between farmers and livestock keepers in Kiteto District, Manyara Region, could be found through the on-going demarcation of land for proper use.



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