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Tanzania Struggles to End Clashes Between Farmers and Herders

Inter Press Service
Tanzania Struggles to End Clashes Between Farmers and Herders
Independent European Daily Express
DAR ES SALAAM, Tanzania, Jan 16 (IPS) - Tanzanian authorities are finding it increasingly difficult to deal with ongoing conflicts between farmers and pastoralists as they fight over limited land and water resources in this East African nation.
Nation Struggles to End Clashes Between Farmers and

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Independent European Daily Express

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Habari Zinazoendana

9 years ago


1 killed, several injured as herders and farmers clash

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9 years ago


Magufuli promises to give land to herders, farmers

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11 years ago


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10 years ago


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9 years ago


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11 years ago


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11 years ago


End these land clashes

Tanzania has lately witnessed the mushrooming of vicious land conflicts, mostly pitting farmers against herders. Morogoro, the nation’s food basket, is the worst hit by these conflicts, which have hampered productive activities in Kilosa, Mvomero, Kilombero and Ulanga districts.


10 years ago


Govt moves to end clashes

>The government yesterday directed authorities in Kiteto and Kongwa districts to find a lasting solution to deadly land conflicts in the areas.


11 years ago


Farmers to benefit from end product of biogas technology

The Sokoine University of Agriculture (Sua) will now get fully involved in promoting biogas technology in the Southern Highlands regions for agriculture, it emerged here recently during a field visit by researchers.



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