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SPECIAL REPORT: Inclusive land use plan needed for farmers, herders in Kiteto

SPECIAL REPORT: Inclusive land use plan needed for farmers, herders in Kiteto
In this third and last part of a special report on a conflict pitting farmers and pastoralists at Emborey Murtangosi area in Kiteto Diatrict Gerald Kitabu describes the current situation and brings the views of various land and human rights stakeholders.


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Habari Zinazoendana

9 years ago


Magufuli promises to give land to herders, farmers

The presidential candidate on the CCM ticket, Dr John Magufuli, yesterday said he would reclaim all land taken by people who were not using it for development.


10 years ago


SPECIAL REPORT: Land grabbing in Tanzania: The truth and fallacies behind land acquisition

>For years now, the decision by the government to invite and accommodate investors in land has divided the nation into two main groups—those who views this move as legalizing land grabbing and the other group that sees this move as a modern way of introducing commercial farming in Tanzania.


11 years ago


Inside the Kiteto land crisis 2: Greed for land, dirty politics fuel killing fields of Kiteto

Inside the Kiteto land crisis 2: Greed for land, dirty politics fuel killing fields of Kiteto
Last week The Guardian on Sunday brought you a story on the recent land conflict pitting farmers and pastoralists at the Kalikala hamlet in Kiteto District. In this second installment Gerald Kitabu reveals how the unfolding feud led to the killings of more than 10 ...


11 years ago


SPECIAL REPORT: Why the game plan is all wrong and won’t yield desired fruits

>There is no denying it: Our education system is in trouble—serious trouble. The education budget may have tripled in the past decade, but millions leave school without the basic skills and competencies they need to make it in today’s world. Schooling is increasingly empty and hollow—and fails to deliver on the promise of learning.


10 years ago


SPECIAL REPORT: Land grabbing in Tanzania: The truth, fallacies and fights- part 1

>For years now, the decision by the government to invite and accommodate investors in large scale farming has divided the nation into two main groups—those who view this move as legalizing land grabbing and the other group that sees this move as a modern way of introducing commercial farming in Tanzania.


10 years ago


KATIBA REVIEW SPECIAL: Special education fund needed

>Today every Tanzanian knows that education for his or her child is not a privilege, but a right, which must be given to the child without any excuses. Both the current Constitution and the Law of the Child recognise this right. Fortunately enough, even the proposed Constitution has made this right clearer than ever in Article 52. Governments of all phases since independence have been doing reasonably well in expanding educational facilities for all levels of education to ensure Tanzanian...


9 years ago


1 killed, several injured as herders and farmers clash

One person was killed and 71 head of cattle slaughtered after clashes erupted between herders and farmers in Dihimba Village, Kanga Ward in Mvomero District.


11 years ago

Independent European Daily Express

Tanzania Struggles to End Clashes Between Farmers and Herders

Inter Press Service
Tanzania Struggles to End Clashes Between Farmers and Herders
Independent European Daily Express
DAR ES SALAAM, Tanzania, Jan 16 (IPS) - Tanzanian authorities are finding it increasingly difficult to deal with ongoing conflicts between farmers and pastoralists as they fight over limited land and water resources in this East African nation.
Nation Struggles to End Clashes Between Farmers and

all 3


11 years ago


New minister promises solution to conflicts between farmers, herders

New minister promises solution to conflicts between farmers, herders
Newly appointed Deputy Minister for Livestock and Fisheries Development told The Guardian mid this week that ending land conflicts, especially those pitting farmers against livestock keepers, was the ministry's top priority. Kaika ole Telele said the ...



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