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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


SPECIAL REPORT: Land grabbing in Tanzania: The truth, fallacies and fights- part 1

>For years now, the decision by the government to invite and accommodate investors in large scale farming has divided the nation into two main groups—those who view this move as legalizing land grabbing and the other group that sees this move as a modern way of introducing commercial farming in Tanzania.


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Habari Zinazoendana

10 years ago


SPECIAL REPORT: Land grabbing in Tanzania: The truth and fallacies behind land acquisition

>For years now, the decision by the government to invite and accommodate investors in land has divided the nation into two main groups—those who views this move as legalizing land grabbing and the other group that sees this move as a modern way of introducing commercial farming in Tanzania.


10 years ago


EU condemns land grabbing in Tanzania

>The European Union Parliament has strongly condemned what it has described as Tanzania’s practice of land grabbing.


11 years ago


SPECIAL REPORT: Inclusive land use plan needed for farmers, herders in Kiteto

SPECIAL REPORT: Inclusive land use plan needed for farmers, herders in Kiteto
In this third and last part of a special report on a conflict pitting farmers and pastoralists at Emborey Murtangosi area in Kiteto Diatrict Gerald Kitabu describes the current situation and brings the views of various land and human rights stakeholders.


10 years ago


Kadaga to name land grabbing probe today

>Speaker Rebecca Kadaga is set to announce the select committee today that will investigate the allegations of land grabbing in the city.


10 years ago

Daily News

Kinondoni resident decries land grabbing

Kinondoni resident decries land grabbing
Daily News
DAR ES SALAAM resident whose plot in the posh suburb of Mbezi Beach has been grabbed, decries a gang syndicate involving some officials from Kinondoni Municipality. According to the victim, a gang invaded the plot and forcefully evicted the inhabitants ...


9 years ago


Pope hits out at Kenya land grabbing

Pope Francis criticises private developers for grabbing land from poor people during his visit to Kangemi, a slum area of Kenya's capital, Nairobi.


10 years ago


LAKE ZONE: JKT accused of grabbing villagers’ land

>Land dispute is raging between National Service (JKT), Mtabila camp and neighbouring villages after the army allegedly prohibited farmers from cultivating   their farms.


10 years ago


SPECIAL REPORT: Expert: Why Tanzania has more consumers than producers

>ANSWER: A census has so much potential.  Almost every aspect of economic growth can be linked on census results. The 2012 census results will be very important in shaping Tanzania’s future because the data presents information on the characteristics of the population all the way to ward level.


11 years ago


SPECIAL REPORT: Is al-Shabaab finally aiming at Tanzania?

>First, it was a Catholic Church that was hit before the bombers shifted their gun-sights to public rallies organised by Chadema—setting Arusha City, Tanzania’s tourist haven in panic mode. There was fear, chaos and blame game pitting the two major political parties, CCM and Chadema.



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