Here’s how to end land rows
Studies carried out by the Land Resources and Research Institute (HakiArdhi) and other organisations in recent years indicate that disputes had increased to alarming proportions.
Habari Zinazoendana
11 years ago
TheCitizen10 May
Govt moves to end land rows
>The government has been engaged in a move to end a land conflict involving residents of Katapulo area and a Kalambo ranch investor in Rukwa Region.
11 years ago
TheCitizen13 Jul
Resolve land rows among Maasai, 3 lawmakers told
Regional authorities here have pleaded with three lawmakers to consider intervening in land conflicts to prevent fatal clashes among members of the Maasai community from erupting once again in their constituencies.
11 years ago
End to rows in Sierra Leone football
After months of disputes, football in Sierra Leone is set for calmer times as the main protagonists agree to co-operate.
10 years ago
TheCitizen08 Feb
Rifts emerge as lawmakers debate report on land rows
Sharp divisions emerged between Members of Parliament yesterday as they debated a report by the Select Committee on land conflicts in the country.
11 years ago
TheCitizen08 Feb
End these land clashes
Tanzania has lately witnessed the mushrooming of vicious land conflicts, mostly pitting farmers against herders. Morogoro, the nation’s food basket, is the worst hit by these conflicts, which have hampered productive activities in Kilosa, Mvomero, Kilombero and Ulanga districts.
10 years ago
Spyghana.Com10 Mar
Land Dispute In Dodoma To End
CCM Secretary Mr Abulrahman Kinana made the call over the weekend when addressing a public rally in Dodoma Municipality. “There is an issue of land dispute between CDA and the 'wananchi' here… I am told the disputes have lasted for a long time,” he ...
Students urged to vie for leadershipDaily News
all 10
11 years ago
IPPmedia10 Feb
'Settle pastoralists to end land conflicts'
Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tanzania (ELCT) Bishop for Morogoro Diocese, Jacob Mameo, who is part of a special task force to mitigate land disputes, has advised the government to set up infrastructure that will keep pastoralists from migrating and that ...
10 years ago
TheCitizen07 Jan
Land demarcation set to end conflicts
>A long term solution to land conflicts and consequent clashes between farmers and livestock keepers in Kiteto District, Manyara Region, could be found through the on-going demarcation of land for proper use.
11 years ago
IPPmedia16 Jan
'No light at the end of the tunnel in land cases'
Land Rights Research and Resources Institute (HakiArdhi) managing director Yefred Myenzi with copy of research report on land disputes in Tanzania when presenting it in Dar es Salaam yesterday. There seems to be no hope in solving the country's land ...
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Tanzania Today
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12-February-2025 in Tanzania