
Sales Representative

Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Govt promise to association on land yet to be honoured

A government promise to the Confederation of Tanzania Industries (CTI) to have a plot for constructing an investment building is yet to be fulfilled.


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Habari Zinazoendana

11 years ago


Govt’s promise to rice farmers

Minister for Agriculture, Food Security and Cooperatives Christopher Chiza has pledged to ensure availability of reliable markets both within and outside the country for Kilombero rice farmers.


10 years ago


Tour Guides Association Implements Govt Directive On Licences

Tour Guides Association Implements Govt Directive On Licences
Moshi — Tanzania Tour Guides Association (TTGA) has moved to implement a government directive that requires all tour guides to be legally licensed. TTGA Chairman, Mr Saddock Johnson, said at a meeting with Kilimanjaro Guides Association (KGA) here ...


10 years ago

Daily News

Govt wants ample land for servants' houses

Daily News
Govt wants ample land for servants' houses
Daily News
REGIONAL and local government authorities have been ordered to earmark land for Watumishi Housing Company's (WHC) ambitious project to construct 50,000 houses for public servants. Minister of State in the Prime Minister's Office, Regional ...


11 years ago


Govt moves to end land rows

>The government has been engaged in a move to end a land conflict involving residents of Katapulo area and a Kalambo ranch investor in Rukwa Region.


10 years ago


Govt evolves system of resolving land conflicts

Govt evolves system of resolving land conflicts
The government is setting up sophisticated systems for surveying, issuing land titles and generally managing the land sector in efforts to end land disputes, Prime Minister Mizengo Pinda has said. He said absence of maps and official boundaries is the ...


10 years ago


Govt Mulls Shifting Land Office to Arusha

Govt Mulls Shifting Land Office to Arusha
The Government is considering relocating the Zonal Land Administration Offices, currently based in Moshi, to operate in Arusha where it seems to be mostly needed. The Minister of Land, Housing and Human Settlements, Mr William Lukuvi was of the view ...


10 years ago


Govt urges talks to end land crisis

The government yesterday directed seven wards here to negotiate with Ortello Business Cooperation (OBC), a luxury hunting company, to bring to an end a lonstanding land dispute between them.


9 years ago


Villagers blame govt for failure to resolve land dispute

Uvinje village leaders in Bagamoyo district, Coast region, have appealed to the government to help them find a lasting solution to a land dispute between the village and Saadani National Park (Sanapa).


10 years ago

Daily News

Govt mulls moving zonal land offices to Arusha

Govt mulls moving zonal land offices to Arusha
Daily News
THE government is considering relocating zonal land administration offices currently based in Moshi to Arusha. This was the view expressed by the Minister for Lands, Housing and Human Settlements Development, Mr William Lukuvi, who said Arusha faced ...



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