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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Govt releases cash for food in schools

The government has started releasing funds for buying food in secondary schools. Three government schools in Biharamulo District, Kagera Region, have received a total of Sh189.4 million for paying food suppliers.


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Habari Zinazoendana

11 years ago


Radar cash begins to benefit schools

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10 years ago


Tales of schools and paraffin soaked food

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10 years ago


Release road cash, govt told

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10 years ago


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10 years ago


Escrow cash lands top govt officials in court

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10 years ago


Science labs in schools: Govt should take charge

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Only years ago, Tanzania was critically short of public secondary schools. In fact, in some districts in upcountry regions there were no more than two secondary schools. In most of these schools there was a serious shortage of teachers as well as basic needs ...


9 years ago


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9 years ago


Food vendors banned in govt move to curb cholera

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10 years ago


Farmers’ hopes high as govt allows traders to export food

The government has called on traders to export foodstuffs held in storage as huge harvests for 2013/14 season will lower produce prices, harming farmers.



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