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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Govt trains 440 Mathematics tutors

Nigerian Tribune
Govt trains 440 Mathematics tutors
Nigerian Tribune
Worried by the mass failure of its students in public examinations, the Lagos State government said it has trained 440 Mathematics Teachers drawn from the six educational districts of the state to improve students' performance in Mathematics in the state's ...

Nigerian Tribune

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Habari Zinazoendana

10 years ago


440,000 get Form One places in govt schools

>A total of 438,960 pupils who passed this year’s Standard Seven national examination have been selected to join public secondary schools across the country.


10 years ago


Govt trains over 18000 teachers.

Govt trains over 18000 teachers.
The government has so far trained a total of 18,633 Standard One and Two Primary School teachers ready for the implementation of the new primary education curriculum that focuses on providing quality education for beginners. The training of teachers was ...


9 years ago


Tabora Institute: 2 Academic Tutors Needed

PositionThe Tabora Institute seeks to recruit a versatile, vibrant, progressive, hardworking, meticulous, self-motivated individual to work as an Academic Tutor in a rapidly growing new institution of learning. The incumbent will work closely and under the leadership of the Principal, Academic Dean, Bursar, Administrative Dean and the College Advisor. The contract is for one year, with options for renewal. Interested applicants must state the proposed salary scale they are looking at.Job...


10 years ago


Nakala 440,000 za Katiba zasambazwa

JUMLA ya nakala 443,050 za Katiba Inayopendekezwa, zimesambazwa katika taasisi 70 za serikali.


9 years ago

Dewji Blog

Chuo cha taaluma za Sayansi za afya za Zanzibar chafanya mahafali ya 22 nakutunuku stashahada kwa wahitimu 440!!

01 (1)

Mwenyekiti wa Baraza la Chuo cha Taaluma za Afya Zanzibar Dkt. AbdallahIsmail Kanduru akimkaribisha mgeni rasmi wa Mahafali ya 22 Balozi Seif Ali Iddi katika sherehe zilizofanyika Chuoni Mbweni.

02 (1)

Baadhi ya wahitimu waliomaliza masomo katika Chuo cha Taaluma za Afya Zanzibar wakiwa kwenye maandamano wakiingi katika kiwanja sherehe hizo. Picha na Makame Mshenga Maelezo Zanzibar.

03 (1)

 Mkuu wa Chuo cha Taaluma za Sayansi za Afya Zanzibar Dkt. Haji Mwita Haji akimkaribisha Mwenyekiti wa Baraza la...


5 years ago


The Mathematics of Predicting the Course of the Coronavirus

The Mathematics of Predicting the Course of the Coronavirus  WIRED


11 years ago

Daily News

VP stresses mathematics role in development

Daily News
VP stresses mathematics role in development
Daily News
JUST as information communication technology (ICT) is crucial in the current globalised world, that is how Mathematics is important in the development of science and technology of any country. Vice-President, Dr Mohamed Gharib Bilal, stated in Dar es ...


10 years ago


Improving Teaching in Science and Mathematics

Improving Teaching in Science and Mathematics
TANZANIA like many other countries of the world has a problem with mathematics. A number of learners either fear the subject or have difficulties in understanding and using it. In September last year (2014), International Commission of Mathematics ...


10 years ago

Tanzania Daima

‘Nokia Mobile Mathematics’ yazinduliwa

KAMPUNI ya Microsoft kwa kushirikiana na Wizara ya Mawasiliano, Sayansi na Teknolojia, imezindua programu ya bure kwa simu za mkononi iitwayo ‘Nokia Mobile Mathematics’, yenye lengo la kuimarisha na kuongeza...



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