
Sales Representative

Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Grave Concern Over Cemetery Shift to Njiro

Grave Concern Over Cemetery Shift to Njiro
Members of the Muslim Community in Arusha have moved in to block the planned shifting of nearly 3000 human bodies, buried within the Levolosi Cemetery here, saying the city council has no authority to do so. Armed with official documents to substantiate ...

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Habari Zinazoendana

11 years ago


EDITORIAL: Beyond these skyscrapers, therein lies grave concern

>There is no doubt that Dar es Salaam’s central business district (CBD) is going through a boom of high-rise buildings, thanks to the billions from pension funds and handful of private investors.


10 years ago


Muslims up in arms over cemetery relocation

>The Muslim’s Association of Arusha, has opposed the Arusha city master plan involving shifting a cemetery situated near the bus terminal to Njiro in a bid to pave the way for commercial development of the area.


9 years ago


France's migrant 'cemetery' in Africa

France's migrant 'cemetery' in the Indian Ocean


10 years ago


Liberia opens new Ebola cemetery

A new national cemetery for Ebola victims opens in Liberia's capital, Monrovia, as the number of infections in West Africa passes 20,000.


10 years ago


Kesi ya Mkuu wa Chuo Njiro yaahirishwa

MAHAKAMA ya Hakimu Mkazi Arusha, imeahirisha kesi inayomkabili Mkuu wa Chuo cha Uhasibu Njiro (IAAA), Johannes Monyo na wenzake 10 na kuipanga leo kwa ajili ya washitakiwa kusomewa maelezo ya awali.


10 years ago

Daily News

Tap water in cemetery used for domestic consumption

Tap water in cemetery used for domestic consumption
Daily News
SOME residents in Central Kaloleni, Pangani and Levolosi wards in Arusha city have started drawing water for domestic use from a tap in the defunct Kaloleni cemetery. Amina Salum, a female guard who has been hired to guard a cellular phone tower ...


10 years ago

Dewji Blog

RC Arusha afungua maonesho ya wakulima na wafugaji Njiro

Mwenyekiti wa Chama cha Wakulima Kanda ya Kaskazini (TASO), Arthur Kitonga akisoma taarifa ya Taso inayojumuisha mikoa ya Kilimanjaro, Manyara na Arusha. Mkuu wa Mkoa wa Manyara ambao ni wanachama wa TASO Kanda ya Kaskazini, Mh. Joel Bendera akisistiza jambo kwenye mkutano wa ufunguzi uliofanyika kwenye viwanja ya Nanaenane Njiro jijini Arusha, anayesikiliza kwa makini ni Mkuu wa mkoa wa Arusha, Felix Ntibenda (wa pili kushoto). Meneja wa Shama la Mbegu la Serikali mkoa wa Arusha,...



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