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Harmonise mining laws, African countries urged

Harmonise mining laws, African countries urged  The Citizen Daily

The Citizen Daily

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Habari Zinazoendana

10 years ago

Dewji Blog

Leading African and global mining executives and investors announced for the 2015 Investing in African Mining Indaba


The annual Investing in African Mining Indaba is the world’s preferred brand and destination in African mining

The 2015 Investing in African Mining Indaba (  taking place on 9 – 12 February 2015 in Cape Town South Africa will feature an array of globally recognised economic visionaries, mining thought leaders and some of Africa’s largest deal-makers for the approximately 7000 delegates set to arrive from...


10 years ago


Emulate Zambia on mining laws: Zitto

>An opposition MP has advised the government to learn from Zambia which has reformed its mining fiscal regime to get more revenue from mining companies without negatively affecting the sector.


10 years ago

Dewji Blog

Tony Elumelu Foundation hosts historic bootcamp for 1,000 Emerging African Entrepreneurs from 51 African Countries in Ota, Nigeria


l-r:Benin Republic Prime Minister,  Mr. Lionel Zinsou, Nigeria’s Vice President, Prof. Yemi Osinbajo, Founder, Tony Elumelu Foundation Mr. Tony Elumelu and Kaduna State Governor, Mallam Nasir El-Rufai at the $100 Million Tony Elumelu Entrepreneurship Programme (TEEP) boot camp for 1000 entrepreneurs from 51 countries across Africa, Ota, Ogun State, on Saturday July 11, 2015.


l-r: Nigeria’s Vice President, Prof. Yemi Osinbajo, Founder, Tony Elumelu Foundation Mr. Tony Elumelu and Kaduna...


10 years ago


Learn from TZ on peace, war-torn countries urged

Tokyo. Troubled Great Lakes Region countries have been urged to learn from Tanzania on peace.


11 years ago

Daily News

Lawmakers urged to educate people on land laws

Lawmakers urged to educate people on land laws
Daily News
MEMBERS of Parliament (MPs) have been urged to educate people in their areas the importance of obeying laws, orders and be ready to listen to government leaders on issues to do with land disputes. Deputy Minister in the Prime Minister's Office (Regional ...


11 years ago


Govt urged to amend oppressive media laws

Govt urged to amend oppressive media laws
The government has been called upon to scrap out and/or amend all oppressive laws which curtail the freedom of the media and expression and instead exhaust other remedies such as the Court of law and the Media Council of Tanzania (MCT) to address its ...


11 years ago

Daily News

Report employers breaking labour laws, workers urged

Daily News
Report employers breaking labour laws, workers urged
Daily News
EMPLOYEES have been urged to break silence about employers who violate workers' rights for the government to take legal measures. Deputy Minister for Labour and Employment, Dr Makongoro Mahanga, told the National Assembly that the government ...


11 years ago


Govt urged to rid country of all human rights suppressive laws

Govt urged to rid country of all human rights suppressive laws
The government has once again been called on to do away with all laws that suppress human rights as proposed by the 1991 Nyalali Commission that among other laws called for the review of the Newspaper Act of 1976. The development comes as the ...


5 years ago


Coronavirus: Are African countries ready?

How countries across the continent are getting prepared in case the deadly virus spreads.



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