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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


I am not a GMO ambassador: minister

A deputy minister yesterday distanced himself from advocacy for the introduction of genetically engineered foods in the country.


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Habari Zinazoendana

10 years ago


Ambassador Jaap meets Former Prime Minister Lowassa

Former Prime Minister and Monduli's MP,Hon. Edward Lowassa ( L ) in discussion with Netherlands Ambassador to Tanzania, Jaap Frederiks. The ambassador visited the former PM who is also the Monduli MP in his office in Dar es Salaam yesterday to discuss issues related to land disputes in Monduli . Photo: Staff Photographer.


11 years ago

Dewji Blog

Health Minister & French Ambassador celebrate Hospital Expansion on French Cooperation Day

aga khan now

On the occasion of French Cooperation Day, Minister for Health and Social Welfare, Hon. Dr. Seif Rashid, today joined the French Ambassador, His Excellency Marcel Escure and visiting dignitaries from the Agence Française de Développement (French Agency for Development – AFD) at the Aga Khan Hospital to mark the expansion of the Aga Khan Hospital.

AFD is providing a concessional loan of US$ 53.5 million (Tshs 90 billion) for the expansion.  The Aga Khan Development Network is contributing...


10 years ago


Ambassador Liberata Mulamula bid farewell to Ambassador Linda Thomas- Greenfield

Her Excellency Ambassador Liberata Mulamula met with Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield, Assistant Secretary, Bureau of African Affairs, to bid Farewell at the US Department of State on July 22, 2015. The relations between the U.S. and the United States are at it's excellent level today including the support provided to Tanzania. Her Excellency Ambassador Liberata Mulamula met with Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield, Assistant Secretary, Bureau of African Affairs, to bid Farewell at the US...


10 years ago


Govt says ready to move into GMO for its benefits

This was revealed by the deputy minister for Agriculture, Food Security and Cooperatives, Mr Godfrey Zambi at a recent meeting in Dar es Salaam


11 years ago


Ghana yajikita katika mimea ya GMO

Je vyakula vilivyokuzwa kisayansi vinaweza kutoa suluhu kwa tatizo la uhaba wa chakula? Ghana imeimarisha utafiti wa GMO


9 years ago


Matumizi ya GMO: Afrika ikubali au ikatae?

Kilimo ndiyo sekta muhimu katika jamii nyingi za Kiafrika na nchi zingine zinazoendelea. Sekta hii inachangia takriban asilimia 35 ya pato la bara zima la Afrika, huku ikiajiri zaidi ya asilimia 70 ya Waafrika.


11 years ago


Namna GMO itakavyosaidia wavutaji kuachana na sigara

Wataalamu wa afya wanasema sigara haina manufaa yoyote kwa binadamu zaidi ya kumwathiri kiafya


11 years ago


‘Chakula cha GMO hakina madhara kwa binadamu’

MTAFITI Mkuu wa Tume ya Taifa ya Sayansi na Teknolojia (Costech), Dk Nicholas Nyange amehakikishia Watanzania kuwa chakula kinachotokana na mazao ya uhandisi tete (GMO), hakina madhara kwa binadamu, kwa sababu Watanzania wengi wameshatumia chakula hicho.


10 years ago


Tanzania inajipanga kutumia teknolojia ya GMO katika kilimo

Ni teknolojia inayotarajia kuleta mapinduzi ya kilimo kwa zaidi ya asilimia 70 ya Watanzania ambao wanalima bila tija. Hiyo inaitwa ni teknolojia ya Uhandisi Jeni (GMO).



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