
Sales Representative

Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Make insurance relevant

Few people see the need for insurance until disaster has befallen them. It’s not until they end up paying for the cost of repairs or replacement of what they have lost, that they come to understand their folly.


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Habari Zinazoendana

9 years ago

Dewji Blog

Kampuni ya Niko Insurance Limited yabadili jina na kuwa Sanlam General Insurance

Afisa Mtendaji Mkuu wa Sanlam General Insurance Ndugu Manasseh Kawaloka  Akitoa Hotuba yake Kwenye halfa ya Kampuni ya NIKO Insurance Limited Ilipobadili Jina na kuwa Sanlam General Insurance.

Kampuni ya Bima Niko limited Imebadili jina na kuwa Sanlam General Insurance Limited.Mabadiliko hayo yanalenga Kupanua Wigo Na kuimarisha uwepo wake Nchini Tanzania na Afrika Mashariki  kwa Jumla.Sanlam General Insuarence Itaendelea Kutoa Huduma Mbalimbali za BimaKwa Wateja Binafsi na Mashirika...


9 years ago


NIKO Insurance now goes by Sanlam General Insurance

A Tanzanian insurance firm, NIKO Insurance, has rebranded to Sanlam General Insurance (Tanzania) limited as it seeks to strengthen its identity and expand visibility in East African markets.


11 years ago


How is Colombia writer Marquez relevant to East Africa?

Over 40 years ago when I was at Ilboru Secondary School, teachers encouraged learning in various ways. Take Mr Hopland from Norway. During my Form Two year, he offered weekly prizes for those who read the highest number of books.


10 years ago


Tips on immigration issues relevant to foreign investors

Economics statistics show that Tanzania has been experiencing growth in the last couple decades. The rate of investment portfolio is on the rise from both local and foreign investors.


9 years ago


WINNING LEADERSHIP : How to intelligently engage relevant experts

It is not by chance that you are reading this article today. I strongly sense that you are in some way brought here because of a situation in your personal and professional life.


10 years ago


Dr Bilal: Relevant policies vital in fighting poverty

Dr Bilal: Relevant policies vital in fighting poverty
Vice President Dr Mohamed Gharib Bilal has reiterated on the importance of putting in place relevant policies and setting priorities in efforts to address poverty and transform Tanzania into a middle income country by 2025. He said for Tanzanians to graduate ...
Involve Youth in Planning, Govt

all 2


10 years ago

Daily News

Teachers told to design relevant local teaching aids

Teachers told to design relevant local teaching aids
Daily News
TEACHERS attending the Literacy and Numeracy Education Support (LANES) programme here have been challenged to be innovative by designing teaching aids according to their environment. Speaking at the ongoing training, Director of the Centre for ...


11 years ago


Medical insurance now accessible to everyone

Jamal Kondo is a carpenter and a small-scale trader in Dar es Salaam. One day, he fell ill and was admitted at Zakhem hospital in Mbagala. Luckily for him, he had an insurance plan and did not have to worry about the high cost of healthcare in Tanzania.


11 years ago


TZ insurance sluggish: report

>Tanzania’s insurance dealers have failed to absorb huge potential of retail market causing decimal inclusion of Tanzanians in the insurance sector.



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