
Sales Representative

Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Malasusa advocates secular state system

>Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tanzania (ELCT) Bishop, Dr Alex Malasusa (pictured), yesterday pleaded with government leaders to ensure Tanzania remained a secular state.


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Habari Zinazoendana

11 years ago

Daily News

State wants uniformity in open learning system

State wants uniformity in open learning system
Daily News
LACK of necessary qualifications and standards has been singled out as a major reason for some open schools or learning centres to delay sending their applications for registration. Last year the Institute of Adult Education (IAE) embarked on a campaign to ...


10 years ago


There’s nothing secular about Boko Haram

A reader of last week’s column about Islamist extremism wrote, “It is not really about Islam. It is about things you understand all too well: poverty, alienation, disenfranchisement, and a search for meaning and identity.


10 years ago


LABBÉ: Secular France moves to confront jihadism head-on after slow start

>When Guillaume, a 22-year-old Frenchman, left jail two months ago vowing to die as a martyr for Islam, community worker Sonia Imloul had a few minutes to convince him he was on the wrong path.


11 years ago


Malasusa: No winner in stand

Malasusa: No winner in stand-off
At least 32 Catholic bishops have said the standoff among members of the Constituent Assembly should not cause wananchi to lose hope. Instead they have urged them to join people of good will to fight against all the evils and political ideologies so as to ...


10 years ago


Malasusa: Waumini wengi washirikina

Mkuu wa Kanisa la Kiinjili la Kilutheri Tanzania (KKKT), Askofu Dk Alex Malasusa akiongoza ibada ya Pasaka katika Kanisa la Azania Front, Dar es Salaam jana.(Picha na Fadhili Akida).MATUKIO ya ukatili dhidi ya walemavu wa ngozi, vikongwe na watu wa makundi mengine ya kijamii nchini, yametajwa kuchangiwa kwa kiasi kikubwa na hofu na kutojiamini kwa baadhi ya watu, hivyo kujikuta wakitumia nguvu za ziada kutaka kufanikisha mambo yao, badala ya kumtegemea Mungu.


10 years ago


Malasusa ataka wanawake wavumilie

Mkuu wa KKKT, Askofu Dk Alex MalasusaMKUU wa Kanisa la Kiinjili la Kilutheri (KKKT), Askofu Alex Malasusa amewataka wanawake nchini kuwa wavumilivu katika mambo mbalimbali yanayowakabili.


10 years ago


Graft must be strongly tackled, says Malasusa

>The Lead Bishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Tanzania (ELCT), Dr Alex Malasusa, has strongly condemned the rising moral decadence expressed in the form of corruption among leaders and civil servants.


9 years ago


Lutheran church gets new leader as Malasusa leaves

Bishop Frederick Onael Shoo is the new Head of the Evangelical Lutheran of Tanzania (ELCT).


9 years ago


Malasusa challenges workers to be self-driven in fulfilling duties

Bishop Alex Malasusa of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tanzania has challenged workers to undertake their duties diligently instead of waiting to be pushed by President John Magufuli.



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