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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Nyerere Foundation backs Ukawa stance

>The Mwalimu Nyerere Foundation has come out in support of the decision by the Coalition of Defenders of the People’s Constitution (Ukawa) to boycott the referendum on the Proposed Constitution.


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Habari Zinazoendana

10 years ago


European Union backs Kikwete’s stance on Hutu rebels

A few weeks after President Kikwete announced to the international community that Tanzania was ready for military offensive to neutralise Hutu rebels in eastern Congo, European Union Foreign Affairs Council on Monday called for immediate action to that end.


10 years ago


Ukawa stance criticised sky

As the National Electoral Commission (NEC) continues with the final touches for massive biometric voters registration for the referendum of the proposed constitution some of the major stakeholders have said they will not participate.


10 years ago


Nyerere foundation shifts focus on Katiba

>The Mwalimu Nyerere Foundation (MNF) has shifted focus and will now educate the people on the proposed new constitution, In an announcement in Dar es Salaam yesterday, the foundation’s executive director said the foundation will create a forum that will allow people with different opinions on the proposed constitution to air their views on an equal footing.


11 years ago

Tanzania Daima

UKAWA watua kwa Nyerere

KATIBU Mkuu wa Chama cha Demokrasia na Maendeleo (CHADEMA), amewaongoza viongozi wenzake wa vyama vya CUF na NCCR-Mageuzi) kuitembelea familia ya hayati Baba wa Taifa, Mwalimu Julius Nyerere kijijini Butiama...


10 years ago

Bongo Movies

Steve Nyerere Afungukia Madai Kuhamia Ukawa!

STAA wa uchekeshaji na filamu Bongo, Steve Mengere ‘Steve Nyerere’ amefungukia madai ya kujiondoa Chama Cha Mapinduzi na kujiunga na umoja wa UKAWA akisema kushindwa kwake katika kura za maoni hakuwezi kuondoa heshima yake kwa Mwenyekiti wake, Jakaya Kikwete.

Akizungumza na gazeti hili juzi, Steve alisema Rais Kikwete amefanya mambo mengi sana kwa wasanii, kiasi kwamba ni mtu asiye na hisani pekee anaweza kuhama CCM kwa sababu ya kushindwa katika kura za maoni au ushawishi wa namna...


11 years ago


JK’s stance on 2 govts criticised

President Jakaya Kikwete has been criticised for taking the ruling party’s standpoint on the draft constitution during his speech on inaugurating the Constituent Assembly (CA) on Friday.


11 years ago


Analysts criticise Msekwa’s stance

>Recent remarks by a veteran politician and former Speaker, Mr Pius Msekwa, that Tanzania does not need to write a new Constitution was yesterday greeted with mixed reactions by political analysts, politicians, activists and other members of the public.


10 years ago

Daily News

Govt refutes reports on VP's stance on CCM

Govt refutes reports on VP's stance on CCM
Daily News
THE Vice-President's Office has refuted social media reports that Dr Mohamed Gharib Bilal will conduct a press conference to explain his stand on Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM). A statement issued in Dar es Salaam by the Vice-President's Press Secretary, ...


10 years ago

East African Business Week

Mwanza risks City status stance

East African Business Week
Mwanza risks City status stance
East African Business Week
MWANZA, Tanzania - Mwanza City, one of the fast growing cities in East Africa is risking losing its city status following reports that city officials have embezzled close to Tsh46 billion ($26.96m). As a result, the parliamentary Committee for Local Governments ...



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