Opportunism Vs patriotism crux of vote-hunting battles
Politically, 2015 has so far been a year of surprises. Former Prime Minister Mr Edward Lowassa, a strong political figure, has been associated with two bombshells which have entirely changed the political landscape ahead of the October General Election.
Habari Zinazoendana
10 years ago
TheCitizen15 May
EDITORIAL: Don’t reduce house to vote-hunting theatre
11 years ago
TheCitizen27 Jul
Political opportunism hurts Tanzania
10 years ago
IPPmedia26 Apr
Watch out for media opportunism in CCM nominations, October polls
Election years are usually good for the journalism profession, as they get paid for various consultancy assignments. This includes brushing up the image of an election contestant at a moment's notice, or blackening the face of another to full public glare for a ...
9 years ago
TheCitizen12 Oct
Students want patriotism to be in curriculum
9 years ago
TheCitizen13 Oct
Include patriotism in academic institutions
11 years ago
IPPmedia17 Jun
JK hails Kili Brand for patriotism
President Jakaya Kikwete has paid a glowing tribute to Kilimanjaro Beer Brand of the Tanzania Breweries Limited (TBL) for investing in the promotion of patriotism in the country. He said TBL's Kilimanjaro Beer brand, which has sponsored the production of a ...
10 years ago
IPPmedia01 Mar
National Service says patriotism first not jobs
The National Service Director of Information and Public Relations, Major Emanuel Muruga said they do not guarantee jobs for graduates but stresses much on patriotism, self reliance and vocational training. Major Murrungu's speech follows the recent claims ...
10 years ago
Dewji Blog17 Feb
2015 MISA’s ‘Women to Watch’: Nominate Hoyce Temu, Vote Tanzania… Vote now
Former Miss Tanzania 1999, Hoyce Temu on field during the recording of her TV talk show.
She also has her own talk show, Mimi na Tanzania (Me and Tanzania), which focuses on CSRs, fundraising, and supporting women and children through the promotion of human rights, gender equality, and access to healthcare and education.
Please nominate her on this category: “Journalists, reporters, presenters who stand out in their field”
International Women’s Day just around the corner, MISA’s is looking...
10 years ago
TheCitizen15 Apr
Curb transport woes to protect patriotism