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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


PARLIAMENT NEWS: One media ‘favoured’ in adverts

>Parliament was yesterday told of favouritism and blatant misuse of public funds running into millions of shillings in placing budget speech advertisements in the media.


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Habari Zinazoendana

11 years ago

Zitto Kabwe, MB

Presentation: How can Parliament develop effective ways of dealing with the media to ensure strong advocacy for coverage of Parliament?

Notes from a presentation on June 30 2014 at Commonwealth Parliamentary Association, local seminar for all Zambian Members of Parliament (Lusaka).

Download How can Parliament develop effective ways of dealing with the Media to ensure strong advocacy for coverage of Parliament?.


10 years ago

Daily News

Media Services Bill to be tabled in Parliament

Media Services Bill to be tabled in Parliament
Daily News
AT last following cries from the media fraternity and civil society organisations, the government will table the Media Services Bill and Access to Information Bill, 2015, in the 19th session of the National Assembly that starts in Dodoma on Tuesday. According to ...


10 years ago


Breaking news from Ottawa, Canada, two shootings in the Parliament building

Two shootings rocked the heart of Canada's capital, Ottawa, today.  A Canadian soldier was fatally shot while guarding the National War Memorial and there was also gunfire inside the Parliament Building.
Here's what we know:The soldier who died was a reservist, from Hamilton, Ontario, the Canadian Broadcasting Corp. reportsDozens of shots were fired inside Parliament -- many by security officers chasing a gunman -- ending with a motionless body near the Parliament's library, a journalist...


10 years ago


Twaweza poll shows CCM is favoured by unfair system

On Wednesday last week Twaweza released a survey on citizens’ preferences and views on political leadership that showed that about half of the respondents support CCM.


10 years ago


JOLLEY: How social media offers tip-off for news

>Social media enables everyone to be a reporter, widening the media’s gaze, but tried-and-tested journalistic skills are still essential.


5 years ago


Letter from Africa: Fake news and Nigeria's media

He was pilloried after a false story circulated that he had thrown a tantrum at the US consulate.


10 years ago


Samantha Lewthwaite’s death news dismissed as false: media

>A Russian news agency’s report that British terrorist Samantha Lethwaite, popularly known as the White Widow was dead, has been dismissed as false.


10 years ago


As adverts go cellular: Mobile-phone nuisance, abuse going out of control

Nowadays mobile telephone companies in Tanzania, like in many other countries, are engaged in a stiff competition to attract customers to their networks so they can access various services including buying commodities and paying bills.


5 years ago


Can face masks protect against coronavirus? Watchdogs crack down on ‘misleading’ adverts

Can face masks protect against coronavirus? Watchdogs crack down on ‘misleading’ adverts Full coverage on Google News



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