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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Patriotism, not age, viewed as key leadership attribute

Commentators are by and large of the view that age, in the context of the curtain for elderly politicians being drawn and that it’s time the next president emerged from the young generation, is not the issue. 


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Habari Zinazoendana

10 years ago


Determined Leadership Key to Successful Projects

Determined Leadership Key to Successful Projects
GOOD relationship and determination among the leaders in the Isles are the key reasons that have seen the successful implementation of many community development projects in Zanzibar. In 15-Day tour organised and officiated by CCM Chief Secretary ...


10 years ago


Promises viewed as vote-attracting baits

>‘If wishes were horses, beggars would ride’. The proverb befits the current Tanzania political scene. It has been weeks of promises by those who seek to succeed President Jakaya Kikwete.


9 years ago


Presidential Leadership Awards hosted by GPS and African Leadership Magazine

Fun and Inspiration, celebrating great leadership @ Presidential Leadership Awards hosted by GPS and African Leadership Magazine. In attendance : President Hage Geinbgob of Namibia, Vice President Isatou Njie Saidy of The Gambia representing the Head of State and other great leaders from United States Congress including Honorable John Lewis, Martin Luther King III, Hank Johnson and more. Congratulations once more to GPS and African Leadership Magazine and Thanks to the dynamic Ms Nene Barry...


9 years ago


Students want patriotism to be in curriculum

Arusha Secondary School students have asked the government to consider incorporating a civic and patriotism subject in syllabi at primary schools, secondary schools, and university levels in a bid to build their capacity to know and serve the nation.


10 years ago


National Service says patriotism first not jobs

National Service says patriotism first not jobs
The National Service Director of Information and Public Relations, Major Emanuel Muruga said they do not guarantee jobs for graduates but stresses much on patriotism, self reliance and vocational training. Major Murrungu's speech follows the recent claims ...


11 years ago


JK hails Kili Brand for patriotism

JK hails Kili Brand for patriotism
President Jakaya Kikwete has paid a glowing tribute to Kilimanjaro Beer Brand of the Tanzania Breweries Limited (TBL) for investing in the promotion of patriotism in the country. He said TBL's Kilimanjaro Beer brand, which has sponsored the production of a ...


9 years ago


Include patriotism in academic institutions

We are cheered by Arusha students’ appeal to the government to incorporate civic and patriotism subject in the syllabi for all schools and higher learning institutions.


10 years ago


Curb transport woes to protect patriotism

A couple of months ago, I decried the gross abuse of the UDA brand. I recalled that, it sparked nostalgia unto senior citizens who had a love-hate relationship with the Dar es Salaam commuter bus company of which it was the acronym.


10 years ago


Opportunism Vs patriotism crux of vote-hunting battles

Politically, 2015 has so far been a year of surprises. Former Prime Minister Mr Edward Lowassa, a strong political figure, has been associated with two bombshells which have entirely changed the political landscape ahead of the October General Election.



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