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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Preparation key to success - Mbia

Stephane Mbia urges Cameroon's FA to ensure the team is properly prepared for next year's World Cup in Brazil.


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Habari Zinazoendana

11 years ago


Why clear role is key to music success

The art is great, the enthusiasm is there and above all the creativity has been breathtaking, but even then all is not well in the performing arts in Tanzania.


11 years ago


Support key for Mwanza volleyball league success

An important development in promotion of volleyball in Tanzania is set to be witnessed in Mwanza next month, when the region hosts the inaugural regional volleyball league.


9 years ago


CAREER PROFILE : Diplomatic skills are key to success

Motivational speaker Jonathan Ndali says his book The Diplomat in You teaches people how to achieve success.


5 years ago

World Finance

Thai Life Insurance: serving local communities is key to business success

Thai Life Insurance: serving local communities is key to business success  World FinanceLife insurance: the dynamics of change  Money ManagementView Full coverage on Google News


10 years ago


Mtendaji Mkuu BRN Bw. Omar Issa atunukiwa tuzo ya Mbia Bora wa Mwaka

MTENDAJI Mkuu wa Ofisi ya Rais-Ufuatiliaji na Usimamizi wa Miradi (PDB) inayosimamia Mpango wa Matokeo Makubwa Sasa (BRN), Bw. Omari Issa (pichani) ameanza kutambulika mchango wake hapa nchini baada ya kutunukiwa  Tuzo ya Mbia Bora wa Umma wa Mwaka (Public Partner of the Year).Tuzo hiyo imetolewa jijini Dar es Salaam mwishoni mwa wiki na Taasisi ya Maafisa Watendaji Wakuu (CEOs-Roundtable) inayojumuisha watendaji waandamizi kutoka sekta binafsi.Bw. Issa, ambaye ni  mmoja wa watanzania...


9 years ago

Dewji Blog

Africa Preparation in COP21


Climate change has significant and unequivocal implications for Africa’s development, and poses complex and changing challenges for Africa’s peoples and policy makers.  Addressing climate change has become central to the continent’s development agenda. It is proven that poorer countries and communities will suffer earliest and hardest from global warming because of weaker resilience and greater reliance on climate‐sensitive sectors like agriculture.

Over the last decade or so Africa has...


10 years ago


Lack of preparation cost us - Becker

Equatorial Guinea coach Esteban Becker says his side were not fit enough to hang on to victory over Congo on Saturday.


11 years ago


Why mental preparation is important in sports

The importance of mental preparation in sports, whether it involves individual sports or team events, for instance, in all kinds of football, is extremely important.



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