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SINGLE IN THE CITY: How we in Tanzania live in total gloom

>Are you like me shocked at how the Tsh is diminishing in value? I mean 1,800+ to the USD, turns out we really are skidding in comparison to the US of A. As the other day during the weekend I took to  Coco Beach in the city of Dsm.


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Habari Zinazoendana

10 years ago


SINGLE IN THE CITY: We live in a society that values youth

>So this week has been full of drama and events all over the media and social media. Apparently the most recent Miss Tanzania’s age is a mystery that people decided to solve. In a few days her birth certificate, passport, driving license and health records were splashed all over the media.


9 years ago


Curious on Tanzania Launches Tanzania Culture Fest in New York City On September 5, 2015 experience Tanzania in New York City with a cultural evening of food and live entertainment that will inspire and fulfill your curiosities about Tanzania.

Curious on Tanzania Launches Tanzania Culture Fest in New York City On September 5, 2015 experience Tanzania in New York City with a cultural evening of food and live entertainment that will inspire and fulfill your curiosities about Tanzania. 

The idea behind the Fest is to celebrate Tanzanian culture with Tanzanians, taste makers, previous/ future travelers and others who are curious to know more or experience our culture and more. Some of the highlight of the event will be Tanzanian...


9 years ago


Tanzania: Single in the City - Falling in Love With the Policeman

Tanzania: Single in the City - Falling in Love With the Policeman
He knows just when I need punishment, knows to bend me so I'm screaming for justice. Sho, this love is toxic. I know he threatens me with his voice, but deep below something is squirting. It's too much, I can't let go and I've been arrested. Is it the ...


9 years ago


Tanzania: Single in the City - in a Good Mood This Holiday Season

Tanzania: Single in the City - in a Good Mood This Holiday Season
The breeze has gotten heavy, it's loitering about as though waking from a hangover. The leaves aren't even bothering to move swiftly, they as well are responding to the heavy humid in the air and offering their breeze with pause. Summer time is here ...


10 years ago


SINGLE IN THE CITY: We go through different phases

>Have you ever wondered why men rarely marry the women they date for years?  You date a guy all the way through campus, see him through the roughest times of his life and stick with him when the world is against him then he suddenly dumps you only to marry a girl he just met 3 months ago?


9 years ago


SINGLE IN THE CITY: Need to appreciate our own culture

It’s like you’ve lost your favourite jewellery. Sofa cushions are turned inside out; dusty corners of the room are massaged for the clue that will lead you to that glint of silver. Spotting the place where the ‘Afropolitan’ girl is comfortable, where the ‘Afropolitan’ male is content in our cities is times like finding that missing jewel.


11 years ago


SINGLE IN THE CITY: The common mistakes

>When it comes to dating; we have all done some really stupid mistakes. But don’t you worry about it, each one of us makes these stupid mistakes; we have all been there.


11 years ago


SINGLE IN THE CITY: Never love out of pity

>I used to wonder why anyone would want to stay in a relationship with someone they don’t really love, but rather, commiserate with.  This was long before I embarked on my own little journey on the same lane, a lane I would like to term  ‘doleful’.


10 years ago


SINGLE IN THE CITY: What to expect from a bachelor

>Truth be told there is a very big difference between a mere bachelor and one who has taken quite a number of decades in the venture.



Magazeti ya Leo

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