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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Speed up rural power projects, lawmakers urge government

Speed up rural power projects, lawmakers urge government
Daily News
SEVERAL Members of Parliament (MPs) have asked the government to speed up rural electrification projects. The lawmakers, including Ukerewe legislator, Mr Salvatory Machemuli (Chadema), Mr Stephen Ngonyani (Korogwe Rural -CCM), Mr Richard ...

Daily News

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Habari Zinazoendana

11 years ago


Media keen to speed up progress in rural areas

The project of Participatory Community Media for Development (PCMD) is facing challenges, the greatest one is changing the mindset of leaders, says PCMD director Josephat Manzi (pictured) during an interview with BusinessWeek Reporter Ludger Kasumuni


10 years ago

Daily News

TANAPA lauded for funding rural community projects

TANAPA lauded for funding rural community projects
Daily News
THE community members around Mount Kilimanjaro, regional leadership and development stakeholders have reacted positively to a plan by Tanzania National Parks (TANAPA) to transfer funds to community projects directly instead of passing it through ...


5 years ago


UK to fund GBP 65 mln worth of 5G rural and industrial research projects

UK to fund GBP 65 mln worth of 5G rural and industrial research projects  TelecompaperUK gov commits £65m to 5G innovation, creative industries invited to pitch  The DrumNew £65 million package for 5G trials  GOV.UKView Full coverage on Google News


10 years ago


Lawmakers, govt differ on wind power project

Dodoma. The government locked horns with some MPs and the Economy, Industry and Trade Committee over the financing of the Singida wind power project.


11 years ago


Giant rural power project underway

Residents of Ludewa District have promised to support government efforts to connect rural areas with electricity through supplying their labour power.


9 years ago


Ukawa will bring power to rural areas: Duni

Chadema presidential running-mate Juma Duni Hadji said if elected the Ukawa led government will ensure it adds 3000 Mega Watts to the national grid in five years of its administration to ensure Tanzanians leaving in rural receive electricity as stipulated in its election manifesto.


9 years ago


Shein inaugurates major power projects in Pemba

Shein inaugurates major power projects in Pemba
As part of his election campaigns, Zanzibar President Dr Ali Mohamed Shein has launched two major power projects at Panza and Makoongwe Islands within Mkoani District, South Pemba Region. Dr Shein is vying for Zanzibar's top job through Chama Cha ...
Shein pledges to bolster Micheweni fishing industryDaily News | The National Newspaper (press release) (blog)

all 4


10 years ago

Dewji Blog

Investors and developers to gather in Cape Town to discuss financing options for power projects across Africa


The 8th Annual Powering Africa: Finance Options Meeting will return to Cape Town from 30-31st October

As Africa’s demand for power generation continues to outstrip supply, the question of how to finance the future of Africa’s power sector looms large. Prospective investors must fully understand the latest developments in Africa’s finance sector in order to launch successful projects and build long term relationships with local government.

Private equity investments into Africa were up by...


9 years ago

Deutsche Welle

Unity government rivals vie for power in Zanzibar

Deutsche Welle
Unity government rivals vie for power in Zanzibar
Deutsche Welle
Tanzanians are gearing up for one of their closest presidential elections ever and the people of the semi-autonomous archipelago of Zanzibar will also be voting in a race which promises to be equally tense. CUF election placards in Zanzibar. Zanzibar's ...
CUF wraps up presidential poll campaigns in PembaDaily News | The National Newspaper (press release) (blog)

all 3



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