
Sales Representative

Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


They too deserve to live

Reports that there are over 170 children living with HIV in Ilemela and Nyamagana districts who do not receive any medical attention are cause for great concern, to say the very least.


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Habari Zinazoendana

11 years ago


Women deserve more respect

Despite sustained campaigns against gender-based violence and discrimination against women, most Tanzanians still consider the female of the species inferior to men.


11 years ago


I deserve more recognition - Toure

Manchester City's Yaya Toure thinks he is not regarded as one of the best players on the planet because he is from Africa.


10 years ago


EDITORIAL: Midwives deserve better

>Tanzania yesterday joined other nations to mark International Day of Midwives, which was celebrated at national level in Musoma, Mara Region. Midwives play a key role not only in childbirth but also in ensuring both mother and baby survive the experience, given the high rate of child and maternal mortality in the country.


11 years ago


Workers deserve better pay

May Day or, more precisely, Workers Day, is here. Tanzania’s workers are joining hands with their counterparts worldwide to reflect on their relationship with their employers.


10 years ago


The poor deserve much better deal

The poor deserve much better deal
One wonders what would be the most appropriate way for Tanzanians to react when the country is described as one of the world's rich countries and poor nations. But even more important and relevant would be the extent to which the country fighting to rid ...


10 years ago


EDITORIAL: Teachers deserve more

>Tomorrow is Teachers’ Day and it will be celebrated at national level in Kagera Region. As we mark this day, we should reflect on the plight of our teachers countrywide. We may have ward secondary schools virtually countrywide, but what those schools produce at the end of the learning cycle is often devastating.


9 years ago


Tanzanians Deserve Surveyed Plots

Tanzanians Deserve Surveyed Plots
THE Minister of State in the Vice President's Office (Union Matters), Ms Samia Suluhu Hassan, yesterday hailed efforts aimed at making more Tanzanians get surveyed plots. The words are uttered at a time when more Tanzanians continue to live in ...


11 years ago

Daily News

Future citizens deserve better grooming

Future citizens deserve better grooming
Daily News
THE government has directed Village Executive Officers to make sure that all school going-age children are enrolled without fail – the financial status of their parents notwithstanding. So, the officers will, indeed, make sure that no child misses out on mundane ...


10 years ago

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